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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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I've finally managed to avoid just seeing veneers every time I see Britt, but she still mostly seems like a whiny, victim-playing dishrag to me.

It's difficult to care about any of these people. I watch this sometimes with a relative and she likes Sabrina and hates Robin, and one of her friends has watched for about 40 years and has always despised Robin and loves Sabrina, so I don't even really say much about it to them. My feelings on her and everyone in this are...blah.

I do think Sabrina is a deathtrap of a role. I'm not sure if Teresa Castillo simply lacks the charisma to play a quasi-bitchy heroine (which is what Bobbie used to be for many years), or if the show's current piss poor writing and lack of filming time makes her lost.

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So many wonderful and spot on posts about the current state of GH.

Vee I am right there with you on Felix and Brad. Spot. On. It was ridiculous watching Felix nearly kiss Brad, who all of a sudden, like you said and I noticed, in two episodes we're supposed to take all this in and believe Brad's had the hots for Felix this whole time and was an ass because Felix didn't return the feelings he never knew Brad had. Seriously?

It is almost sad that the Maxie/baby drama is probably the best thing going. Bradford Anderson stepped up to the plate and I can't believe how much I've grown to like Kirsten Storms. I prefer her on GH to DAYS hands down. I still don't see Emme Rylan as Lulu though. I don't hate her at all but I don't see Lulu. I see Emme Rylan. The writing is not there for Lulu. It sort of was finally with Luke/Laura and the baby but Ron seems to have zero interest in giving Lulu anything to do with substance not involving a baby. Of course it didn't help that I detested how we had to spend episode after episode watching Lulu and that Chetwood guy try to act.

Carl, I don't eve know what they're going for with Sabrina. Quasi-bitchy heroine seems to the best but even then I have no idea about Sabrina. And don't really care to. I've loved and hated Robin over the years but I'm ready for her to come back, even though I still think it's to usher off Jason Thompson [am I wrong, insiders?]

I like Britt enough because the actress has grown but the character's pointless. She didn't have to be. And they wasted no time turning Dr. O into a total cartoon, when the actress was decent and the character had potential. She's now no better than a mustache twirling villain, which stinks.

I think it's interesting you guys are suggesting Ron wants Felix to be his Amy and Carl mentioned Sabrina/Bobbie (I obviously prefer Bobbie, but I get his point, it's not they're the same but the 'type' of character). I think you all are right. But he fails miserable.

I've seen this said of him before and I agree. He's like a fan fiction writer but with a massive ego and lack of perception (IMO). I think all the praise has gone to his head, he feels he can do no wrong, and while I do believe he is a fan (frankly, I think he comes off as more of a fan of GH than OLTL even though he refuses to let OLTL go), I just don't know why he does what he does. The potential was there, it still is.

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I saw one of the previews had Alexis walking on on Derek half naked. So Im guessing he will be her next love interest. Um why? Why waste him on her. He should be with someone like Sam but too bad they messed that up. Sigh. Considering he's already lying and tied to the mob, it looks like its going to be a Jerry redux. Do we really need to see Alexis in another relationship with a psycho? Although some of you would say do we really need to see Alexis in another relationship and Chit would say do we really need to see Alexis?

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I have zero desire to see any semblance of a sexual relationship develop between Alexis and Julian. Zero. William deVry will ultimately be wasted and tossed away like I'm sure Maura West will be too. Not if. Just when. I hope not because I honestly don't mind either of them, now that Ava's not shoved down my throat. I'm sure she will be again though.

Julian and Sam would have possibly been interesting. I think the character of Sam would benefit from being in a relationship with that type of character. She's snoozeville now and Monaco's barely phoning it in at this point. I bet she feels like she won't get work elsewhere so she sticks around even though Sam is a complete waste at this point, which again, is a shame. Monaco and Sam could be much better than what the writers and the actress gives.

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It's a boy; and Sabrina having a complete breakdown and meltdown still wouldn't make the character bearable. Could you imagine the actress trying to play that. My ear drums are already bleeding. I'm not saying she's bad (the writing and character itself do her no justice), but some actors can do anything and some just ... can't.

And I would not want to watch Felix and Brad the instacouple with zero actual depth or character development (though I sometimes see glimmers with Felix but then it all goes to [!@#$%^&*]) raise a baby.

I still believe her baby is Dante and Lulu's. That way they get their baby, Maxie gets her baby and Britt goes nuts. Watch. (unless it's been confirmed one way or the other ...). And then Maxie and Lulu will be besties again like nothing happened.

I also expect a Nikolas/Britt/Sabrina triangle

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I just think she and Easton are so comfortable (and I think he really needs to feel comfortable as he talks about it all the time in his interviews) with relying on their same old tried and true maneuvers that it's like they sleep walk through their scenes. It's just the same ol' all the time. I know that people who've enjoyed them in the past seem to love seeing them reunited so maybe it works for those people to see them do the same things over and over again. I just find it blah and repetitive.

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They are old houseshoes (judging by recent episodes, leather ones). I've rarely seen a more passionless and dull couple pushed together this many times. To think that people once objected to Stefan/Katherine as a dull, cynical ploy based on a couple from a previous soap. Now we have the third take on this tedious twosome, and I wonder if anyone gives a rat's ass one way or the other.

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This is going to be a fail because NLG completely lacks any kind of appeal to make this work. She can't even play this with the smallest bit of subtlety as Alexis is always near orgasm in the presence of Derek. It's a waste! A complete waste, I tell yah! I know I can't be objective where Alexis/NLG is concerned, but who honestly believes this pairing is remotely believable and will deliver positive returns. I'd love to hear from you :)

KMan, I don't think Derek will fall the way other mobsters have against Sonny as you can clearly see he's a fav of Craptini. Not to mention, if the treatment of Sonny/Mo is any indication of how this is going to go, Derek will be top dog before you know it. I would easily buy William as a dirty business man, but a crime boss? Nope! Too bad Crappy were going for young and pretty because this dog just aint hunting!

Britta and Patty? Can anyone else see that this is just another story where Crappy changed their minds? With Dr. O as her mother, why would Britta worry that Patty would take her kid? I think with the return of Snobin, Craptini realized that there were too many people in this story and had to extricate Britta (THANK GOD). I think they got lucky with the chem between KT and TC, so they are running with that. Too bad because now it looks like Quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz are stuck together, which is a huge waste because I was, at one point, going to get my CarnAj. That's shot to hell now. What will Quiz offer up as a couple? NOTHING! At the very least, with CarnAj, AJ would always be trying to prove his penis was bigger than Carly's. The fights and make ups would have been epic (would have loved a modern day Monica/Alan)! Hate to have to ff AJ, but that is exactly what I will do!

Nik stepping to Brad was absolutely ridiculous! And for what? So that we could find out that Nik has feelings for Britta? Leave it to Craptini to go the stupid route as opposed to just writing it!

Carly/Todd? Chemistry = FIRE! Here's the problem, when did they get to this point? I think Roger and LW's time off got in the way, and TIIC thought it best to get the story to where they needed it to be, and let the audience fill in the blanks (per usual). It's not impossible to put these two together, but there is a process that must take place or Carly takes huge hits! As it stands, you have this whiney mofo with a post it on his forehead wailing about his daughter when we really should be seeing remorse. He feel's all alone? Um, yeah! Craptini didn't whitewash his crimes - they just refuse to address them. And since when would Carly NOT be there for Sonny? She is the one to talk him down, not that hysterical fool, Liv! The marriage scenes were probably some of the most ineffective scenes I've ever witnessed. They were a waste because Connie vanishes, and guess what, Sonny still wants to end it? WHAT WAS THE [!@#$%^&*] POINT?! I just love it when some of those Twitter fools start raving about how magnificent something was w/out realizing the worthlessness of it all. Ugh!

And Craptini broke their own record. I am not sure what OLTL was like as I only watched here and there when they were wrecking it, but has anyone noticed that when a story comes to an end, folks just confess? There are no reveals on this show. There are no public outings. People just tell the damn truth? That's not a damn soap, it's a Maury eppy! Johnny confesses to triple murder (only 2 of the victims never existed). Ellie fesses up! Britta fesses up. Good lord!

Gonna watch the US Open Final today (come on Rafa) and think about watching GH!

Silas and Sam are pretty much the same character, so one of them has to go (woudl be a bonus if both left)! Two corpses getting together is not must see for me.

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I actually do want Britt and Sabrina to kill each other. I can't stand either of them. Kelly Thiebaud is not good enough to make this weak material work, and the new Sabrina is just creepy. It was odd the other day watching the two of them fight in Wyndemere and imagining what someone who came back after watching even a year ago or five years ago must be thinking. Why are these people here?

It's odd seeing Michael Easton actually actively pursue a woman as Silas. I can't remember the last time John McBain really did that in the way SIlas did the other day, although John always did have a much keener interest in the woman he wasn't with. Still, Silas is just not a character. Does anyone buy ME as a doctor? Anyone?

I actually like Bill deVry as Julian a lot. But I'm sure they're next going to say that Julian didn't really hire Jonathan Paget or lock Duke in a Turkish prison, or something. Which is okay, but - while I like Alexis still despite years of bad story and only fitfully good work from NLG (when she doesn't have too many of her tics) I'm not sure I want him lashed to her. Alexis has been a real frump for a couple years now.

With Ron the ends always justify the means. Case in point, the overnight pairing of Brad and Felix after two conversations - it doesn't really matter that he didn't take the time to make it work, because Brad is almost certainly only going to be the spoiler for an eventual pairing for Felix and Bobbie's baby boy Lucas. That's been Ron's logic for several years now - 'I did the minimum, just enough to create the obstacle, and it's not the real endgame, therefore no one can judge me.'

Franco is still Franco and still a serial killer. Pairing him with Carly is never going to work. Todd was one thing, but Franco is quite another and chemistry isn't enough.

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If they had it 10 years ago, still trying to see (feel) this uber heat that they have (had) from the bucket of blood soap; they still look related to me, IA their acting off each other puts my feet to sleep.. but I'm not giving up

....legends of fans can't be wrong its gotta be me,( so until its finally

revealed to me) I'll keep scouring my TV until it pops up; however writing has helped make them more sensual (re) create the chemistry but I just don't get the hoopla on these two...

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But, there are other pairings who have become very comfortable with each other from years of working together who still manage to retain some energy.

The real problem is that ME doesn't work opposite low-energy characters. It's why he failed with SH's Marty but fared better opposite more energetic MA's Natalie or RH/TSJ's Todds. It's why ME worked opposite KeMo's Livvie well because her PC character crackled with nervous energy. But Sam's character is written toooooooooooo low-key the last years. Once SBu stopped putting any energy into his acting, I found him sleep-inducing opposite KeMo, too, so it's not matter of Jasam vs McBam or Sam & Silas for me. It's all about how Sam needs an energy infusion from the writers.

KeMo actually sparkled during the Nurses Ball flirting with that DTWS guy. She needs a lively story but instead RC keeps sticking her in endless long-suffering sighing and crying scenes with ME. Sam is a total drag and ME brings no energy of his own to their scenes.... so whatever you call him, they come off yawn-inducing.

ME works better opposite MW. She brings a manic energy that he feeds off better.

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When they had the DWTS dude come on, I was hoping a story about the Cassadines would materialize, some sort of European adventure, since Sam used to be a treasure hunter. Even now you could hire some hot Eurotrash to play her man.

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