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Well it's mostly about how rough looking those twins are. I know that's not nice, but when I keep hearing about how hot they are, I'm constantly confused. I guess it's that cheap web porn look, generic, goofy whitebread.

The writing on this show sucks, but when I do watch I'm impressed by Linden Ashby. I never thought he was much of an actor, but he's very good here.

It's nice to see a show that respects parents and the roles they have in a teenager's life - that's rare on a horror/fantasy/whatever show.

Edited by DRW50
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Tyler Hoechlin has really grown up since 7th Heaven. Damn!

On another but similar note, I really love Dylan O'Brien. I've tuned in a couple of times to see if his talent matched his looks and was pleasantly surprised. He's totally going to be/is the breakout star of this show.

As for whatever Carl's twins comment will be, I can only comment on the fact that I do not like twins. They are always creepy to me, similar to people's hatred of clowns. I cannot deal with such a biological freak-up.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Did you see their first scene on the show? Most fans I've encountered feel the same way you. Though I'm more offended that they're still alive mainly because this show has far too many villians still alive for my liking.

I'll echo this sentiment exactly and also add that it's unbelievable that his character is still a virgin and not by choice.

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wow.....there is actually a thread on this now?!?!?! blink.png

well now that its more appropriate to talk about.....can at least one person agree with me that Tyler Hoechlin who plays Derek would have made a good Scotty Grainger on Y&R???....LOL

Anyways, this season had a lot of ups and downs, but i hope the second half of the season is better....

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I would rather have had Tyler H. be the next Batman....wasn't he rumored to be up for the role? Can't believe they tossed his young handsome self aside for semi old Ben Affleck....

I honestly thought that was the season finale and was very underwhelmed. But then again I only just got into this show because I was just enthralled by Issac one night when they were doing a marathon...

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aww he didn't get the part :(.....I think that would have been a great role for him and he does look the part......Ben Affleck is such an odd choice......

i have to admit that i got into the show as well because the cast is very good-looking, but it's also a very well plotted show for the most part....I think this season was a lot stronger then Season 2, but Season 1 is still the best.....I think everyone looked their best during the first season too.

I liked the character development that happen between last season and this season.....Scott was more of a leader (he really is now that he's a "TRUE Alpha") we got to see a softer side of Derek in contrast to the scary creeper he was in season 1 to the cocky arrogant alpha he became in season 2......Lydia was less self-absorbed, Issac became a favorite of mine too and i enjoyed his little one-liners and I like the "innocence" he sort of portrays.

I just really hated how they killed off Boyd and Erica....I know they weren't main characters but i'm just mad we didn't see the growth in those 2......

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Lol Tyler Posey looked a hot mess that first season with that hair but I can kinda see why girls and guys are gaga over him. I started with Season 3 so i never was connected to Erica or Boyd.

The storyline was interesting but I was lost at times to be honest. I didn't know who was after what and who was allied with who for a good bit towards the end. The girl who ended up being the evil monster was annoying as heck though and I'm glad she's dead. Derek's uncle looks insane though based on that last scene. Here's to hoping that the next half is amazing....

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So.....anybody watching Season 3 B with me?.....what do you think?.....Last night's episode was sort of confusing to me, and I honestly kind of hate the darker tone this season has taken.....I guess they wanted dark over more camp like Seasons 1 and 2.

It was nice to See Shelly Hennig on the show last nite.....I wonder if we will see more of her......How funny that they already got her and Felisha Terell who played Kali last season 3 A considering they were both on Days.....It sort of makes me wonder if other soap star would ever appear on the show...

I don't know what JMW's status on B&B is these days but I could totally see her playing some sort of bad-ass character.

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I like this dark tone to 3B, love how psychologically disturbed Stiles, Scott and Allison are, it's insane

Hocehlin as Scotty Grainger on Y&R, very interesting..

I'm sure we'll see more of Hennig, they wouldn't just introduce a new were-creature and then drop it

I could definitely see JMW as a kick-ass character

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I have to give credit because Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed and Dylan O'Brien are doing a great job with this "out of control" stuff. Everybody has improved greatly since the first couple seasons.........I can relate to Stiles and the Sleep paralysis because I myself have had a few episodes with that over the years, it is extremely terrifying and you really do feel like you are awake though you are still in your bed.....

haha yeah...........I don't know why but every since I started watching Teen Wolf, I'm sort of embarrassed to say that i developed a slight obsession over wishing half the cast were the sons/daughters of veteran characters on Y&R.....I don't know if it's because they are better actors then the ones we have now or they just look more right ( i'm leaning more towards the second) but I always Just thought Hoechlin had similar eyes to the actor who played Scott Grainger Sr. Peter Barton....I guess it's because I was watching an old episode of Y&R where Scott Sr. was yelling at either Lauren or Sheila and he made this face that kind of looked like Derek's when he gets angry and starts yelling, LOL......it's funny that Derek could almost be labeled as a male Sheila especially when he sort of became psychotic when he was the cocky alpha in Season 2.......At least we know that Hoechlin could probably handle being on Y&R considering he had that "soap Opera" type acting when he was Martin on 7th Heaven.

I also thought that though he is on arrow now that Colton Haynes would have made a great Abbott probably as Kyle......again he just has that "Abbott" look.....and even though I like Hunter King, It would have been fun to see Gage Golightly as Summer....

Oh well....I guess it's a comfort to know that Linden Ashby and Susan Walters who play Stiles's Dad and Lydia's mother were on Y&R as Diane and that Cameron Kirsten guy....at the same time it drives me crazy only because they got to meet and act with the same people who I wish the Teen Wolf crowd could work with.......Of course I want Teen Wolf to be around for a real long time, so unless something happens to change that, better being on well-written supernatural horror comedy show Teen Wolf, then depressingly bad-written Y&R at the moment.

Yeah I don't think we have seen the last of Shelly Hennig's character......I think she would look good with Derek, but they will probably put her with Stiles.....but hey he needs some action....

and yes, I was thinking maybe JMW would be good as Derek's sister Laura Hale.....maybe she didn't die like Cora? haha.

Edited by YRfan23
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