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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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The AJ written in blood is like a neon sign for Ava Jerome. Bradford Anderson has always been a good actor, even if one doesn't like Spinelli. He is the actor that over the years has consistently gone out of his way to play someone other than himself; unless one thinks BA actually walks and talks like Spinelli. Everyone else just says their lines as if they the actors were saying them. That's why ME always sounds the same no matter who he plays and the only time he came alive was as Caleb, where he actually put in some physical effort to make the character not like himself.

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I like LLC a ton (doesn't mean I think she's a fabulous actress) but she was awful too and Easton is always the same. With Caleb he might show a little personality but he's awful. He's collecting a paycheck just like Monaco. It's obvious. I wish the show would just cut their losses with both of them. Sam's literally done nothing for years. She's just so laughable as some concerned mother. Seriously. SO awful.
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Man ya'll are rough. I actually liked LLC in that episode. I thought Olivia's grief felt genuine

What a dumbass. Why didn't she just write Ava? Its only one extra letter! She really didn't think people wouldn't confuse the message with AJ (Quartermaine). Speaking of which, I hated that her phonecall with Sonny earlier was two-sided. I think it would have been better had she reached his answering machine and her encounter with AJ was recorded
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I thought she was a bit OTT too but her grief did also somehow seemed genuine. Is it weird that after I've been loving Olivia for months, I'm regretting to see where she goes now? I don't think I will miss Connie at all but Olivia as the "winner" in the triangle with Sonny feels strange and borderline wrong. Does anyone know what I mean? I don't know, maybe I just don't care about their relationship at all and feel like from a story standpoint, choosing Olivia over Kate was the wrong move, or at least equally blah. There was just no investment or time spent on Sonny and Olivia (were they ever an item on the show since she came on?) and now Kate's death feels gratuitous.

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To be fair, not all the other characters are written to be very distinct, but I agree. Bradford is a very good actor. I wonder if they catered to his abilities somehat when conceiving some of the mannerisms and language, especially when Spinelli had that whole film noir phase. In that same vein, I don't think people give Kirsten enough credit for being the hyperactive spitfire that Maxie is. From what I've seen of Kirsten elsewhere, Maxie is a very unique character, as well.

I'm LOLing at the concept of Kelly and Nancy just continuing their conversation from the makeup chair on set. It's probably basically what happens, though.

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I'll do you one better, EM (welcome back, BTW). The cop guarding the office door tells Dumbte that Sonny is gone and he has a good idea where he went. WTF! So no one thought to either stop Sonny or send units to find him and/or AJ? Yesterday was an eppy where Craptini was going for high drama, but EVERYONE looked liked COMPLETE fools. Sonny just leaving Connie's body and not calling 911 until after she lost 200 pints of blood, she's playing with the blood while wimpering for 1/2 a goddamn hour and the nonsensical initials she chose to write with the little energy she had left? It would have been much better to have Sonny cradling Connie dead body in his arms refusing to let her go. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, he needs to run off right now?

The Jeromes are laughable!

Are we supposed to be seeing chemistry with Alexis and Julian?

Sam just looks so damn dirty. Ugh!

ETA: I think Liv's visions continue to somehow make her important to the canvas because there was absolutely no reason for her to have that vision. It added NOTHING of value!

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yeah she couldn't have that BEFORE Connie got shot up? From a writing perspective it would have been more effective if she got the vision, was determined to get to Connie on time but then got stuck in the elevator, which of course made her too late to do anything. I don't get the purpose of her having the vision after she was shot and about to be dead.
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