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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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I am on the fence. I am afraid that if that do this plan and decide to change to something else we will go back to the so many per week and the people who are not on the boards will be oblivious.

It seems like thy are catering to the message board people in particular this one. It is no secret we are the brightest compared to Soap Central and SoapNet when they were on. Don't know much about the ABC boards and Daytime Royalties and TWOP. They need to find a way to get the people who don't go on these boards in "The know".

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Prospect Park is so stupid. Seriously. Pick a damn format and stick with it. I was saying since day one they should've done these shows like primetime. Have AMC run for twenty weeks with one episode a week then it goes on hiatus. Then have OLTL run for twenty weeks and so on.

Sadly, I don't see these shows making it much longer because of their idiots running the tribe.

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I would actually love this! Make both shows more like a primetime series, witha beginning, middle, and end. I think that it would help with scheduling the performers too, especially the veterans we all want to see back.

I also would think this could help with the quality of the show. Make it more of a primetime soap feel, with less filler scenes.

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See...... We're gonna have to disagree here. Frankly, I watch primetime soaps for different reasons than I watch daytime soaps--even leaving out the fact that primetime soaps historically tend to be more over the top and outrageous and have less down to earth and relatable character moments, because I know you're not suggesting that.

And frankly--I think it would be counter productive. PP doesn't have a primetime soap budget--even if they cut back to 20 episodes a *year* (which I would hate) I frankly doubt they could afford and manage to do something that looked as film quality as, say, House of Cards. So what's the draw, aside from nostalgia? If AMC becomes a cheaper version of a primetime soap wouldn't even less viewers watch when they could probably get the same pleasures--and then some--from watching a cable serialized drama?

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The one thing I really remember from JK's Fairman interview was him going on about that he really seemed excited about the soap medium, the ability to stay with characters and develop them over a long period. So I do think there's an awareness that these shows are a unique opportunity to do something different from primetime. That makes me hopeful that whatever model they choose, they won't try to just make these low budget primetime shows.

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