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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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the thing is "maybe" doesn't necessarily mean they plan on doing this, and if they do; it's like having a whole primetime series released on DVD or online

What is it with AMC and OLTL, that people are always thinking the worst and are spelling doom and gloom for them, was it like this when the soaps barely came out on radio or when GL went to TV

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I can watch 'em any old way. I just wish they'd stick to a plan. It doesn't help that most of the online soap press seem to consider the shows nuisances they wish would go away so everything could go back to all GH, all the time.

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I wouldn't like this--but I mean, meh, I could live with it. I know the media has been obsessed with whether the Netflix technique of releasing full seasons at once is a good or bad thing, and I'm sure this is just a reaction to that. My issue is when I have so many episodes I tend to never get around to starting to watch them. It's my own issue (and I guess funny, since with this two eps at once thing I have trouble not binge watching both at once...) and I prob could work it out.

One issue I have is with soaps, I tghink you do have to try to encourage fairly regular viewing--more so than cable serials, etc, even, I think distancing this more and more from the habitual viewing that soaps encourage could be a problem.

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I can live with it either way. I'd rather they be staggered out, though. Preferably back to three days a week.

Also, shockingly, cassadine has a misleading title to his thread, saying this is happening definitely and right now.

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Agreed--I can definitely live with it. But to get twenty episodes and then, what, wait ten weeks (hopefully at that) and get more? It seems like a long time (also, more selfishly, it makes discussion of the episodes on here more difficult--one thing critics of the "binge viewing" Netflix formula said was they did tend to get less immediate message board/twitter/etc discussion and buzz. That's not always a bad thing given some of the tweets and messages we've seen, but...)

Anyway, I'm not too concerned at this time, it seems like they're just trying to gauge audience reaction--though I wonder what they even man by season==do they mean starting with the new block of episodes being filmed starting Aug/Sep? Or?. I wish it had an option not to get them in blocks like that though--and it does seem odd after they complained about people being able to keep up with the episodes.

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They need to stick with something cause it's making my head hurt. Does this mean instead of 100 something they're only going to do 20 episodes, like primetime, per year? God I hope not. But if they structured the storylines to have beginnings and endings within 20 episodes, I would be on board with that.

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