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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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People get behind when there isn't a set schedule to watch or a community to make it an event to view at a particular time. While I enjoy binge viewing I find it frustrating to find people to discuss the shows with obviously. If PP wants more people to watch they need to do a better job to increase interest.

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I think I'm 2 episodes behind on AMC and 4 on OLTL..not sure with all the changes...it is really frustrating and I've lost interest to be honest....They should just go with the 20 episode season and release the damn thing on DVD instead of putting it out on Hulu...or leave it on Hulu and release a dvd at the end of the run on Hulu. The whole Oprah thing is a bust..no one is watching of course that could be because they have already been watched on Hulu and some dont know about it being on the O Network or most have just moved on.

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Which is why the survey is a good idea. This way they're getting legitimate feedback on a specific issue instead of trying to sort through stupidity on FB/Twitter.

It's been one week and the numbers aren't all that different from whatever was there before. I honestly don't know what people were expecting.

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Exactly. One of the pleasures of soap operas that IS different from the heavily serialized (and, yes, "soapy") primetime shows that Netflix is basing their schedule on is that soap operas are open ended. I suppose there could be an argument made that this is outdated in and of itself, but it's something I love--and doing this seems to complete miss that aspect to me. I agree with the large media perception that perhaps one reason daytime soaps are dying (but IMHO not one of the top reasons) is because many of the pleasures of soap operas have been picked up for primetime shows--but even with shows like Knots Landing which are more open ended ea season than, say, the Buffy model, there still is more of a sense of each season being its own chunk.

Maybe AMC and OLTL could work in this model--but it creates a bit of a different animal and the shows, IMHO would have to be adjusted as such (and I'd miss the more traditional soap structure--even when we only get 2 episodes a week.)

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Agreed. For a while they seemed to be wanting to feed off of some of this--you know get social media talking about what was coming up next week, which new character might show up, what people thought of that. They sorta have dropped that focus (though I don't think they should have) but if they go this way it will be completely dead--you can't tweet "Tell us what you think of the reveal in episode 18 of these next 20!!"

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Clearly you haven't been to the Facebook page recently. laugh.png

Good point. There's no real social media component for the Netflix shows. People may tweet that they're watching but they can't discuss what happens on screen.

The longtime fans aren't enough. They weren't enough for the network and they aren't enough now. These shows have to attract new viewers in order to be sustainable.

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PP hates longtime fans. Clearly. That's why they dug up Billy Clyde Tuggle and searched the earth to locate Michael Nader and centered their A story around Angie & Jesse.

Have they been straightforward with everything? No- we all can surmise that the reduction had more to do with production issues than binge watching. But is any company 100% direct? Was ABC? I really think its more about finances and bottom lines than deliberate deception and distrust of longtime fans.

I do hope they are somewhat forthcoming if/when they make this change- talk about trying to sustain the shows, talk about it being a new medium etc. I think people will prefer that to a look we're making this easier for you narrative again.

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