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Everybody looks nervous about Elissa except for Helen. I almost feel bad for Helen but then I think about what she would be doing right now if they were both still on the block. Everybody is also saying Elissa beat them up during the competition, lol.

I think she loves Andy but s--t happens, lol. He was laughing about it. He told her he knew she'd do well because he saw fire in her eyes during the competition.

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They (they = Amanda and what she wants) are saying they want Spencer out next week.

I think McCrae wants Elissa out, but unless he wins HOH I don't see it happening.

I'm hoping Elissa will win HOH and won't go after the returning player or Spencer. That is the best way to cause serious change in the house. (which means it probably won't happen)

Helen proposing an Elissa/Helen/Aaryn/GM alliance to GM.

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They said she got up the OTEV hill without the rope, hee.

I'm imagining the OTEV clip will be like this (1:15 on) on Wednesday times 2 or 3?

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He's 100% planning on starting his psychological warfare with her to have her self-evict after Helen's eviction. I think Elissa would be the most likely to nominate Amanda and McCrae, but I want Spencer out too.

Hmmph. Too late me thinks, but they could 100% backdoor Amanda, Andy or McCrae this week.

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McCrae said he would have really gone after Elissa if he'd been in that POV. He's a very insecure man. It's silly talk. In a comp like that, she would have beaten his behind - literally. He can beat her in many comps, I'm sure. Just focus on those.

Elissa is elitist and aloof, but the insecurity she brings out in some of these people is more about them than her.

I hope she wins the next HOH, as unlikely as that is.

Helen and Elissa are still celebrating. I don't know if Elissa is keeping it from Helen that she's going, or if she's just forgotten...

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I'm not going to feel bad. There'd be a bus driven by Helen in this picture if neither won PoV.


Elissa's carnage:



Aaryn's about this agitated right now - and she also claims Elissa broke (Aaryn's) hand:



Helen is lecturing Elissa about not saying the wrong name when she goes in to vote. I'd vote the bitch out just for that, lol.

ETA #2:

El saved the "letters" with her name, Jessie's name and Candice's name from the competition:


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This is her second Power of Veto win, she won the week Judd was Head of Household and IMO he was going to encourage her eviction had she not won it. She's now in second place with Andy and McCrae for most competition wins.

Week 1 - HOH: McCrae - PoV: McCrae

Nominees: Candice, Jessie - MVP Nomination: David - Replacement Nomination: Elissa

Eviction: David

Week 2 - HOH: Aaryn (Jeremy) - PoV: Jeremy

Nominees: Elissa, Helen - MVP Nomination: Nick

Eviction: Nick

Week 3 - HOH: Helen - PoV: Kaitlin

Nominees: Jeremy, Kaitlin - MVP Nomination: Spencer - Replacement Nomination: Aaryn

Eviction: Jermey

Week 4 - HOH: Judd - PoV: Elissa

Nominees: Kaitlin, Aaryn - America's Nomination: Elissa - America's Replacement Nomination: Gina Marie

Eviction: Kaitlin

Week 5 - HOH: Aaryn - PoV: Spencer

Nominees: Howard, Spencer - America's Nomination: Amanda - Replacement Nomination: Candice

Eviction: Howard

Week 6 - HOH: Gina Marie - PoV: Jessie (Judd)

Nominees: Candice, Jessie - America's Nomination: Amanda - Replacement Nomination: Spencer

Eviction: Candice

Week 6 - HOH: Aaryn - PoV: Aaryn

Nominees: Jessie, Spencer - Replacement Nomination: Judd

Eviction: Judd

Week 7 - HOH: Andy - PoV: Andy

Nominees: Jessie, Spencer

Eviction: Jessie

Week 8 - HOH: Aaryn - Pov: Elissa

Nominees: Elissa, Helen - Replacement Nomination:


Not too long ago, Elissa gave a HINT or TWO to Helen about what's going to go down. As bad as Helen acts as part of an alliance, I'm kind of glad Elissa did that. Helen is by no means a good friend or alliance member in the restrictions of this house, but she's not as nasty as the rest of them. That said, even the hints posed as questions might get Elissa in trouble between Helen's ability to throw any alliance member under the bus, and between Amanda.

I think Amanda is as scared of Elissa as she is Aaryn (in terms of comps) after PoV last night, so the plan to take her to F4 may have gone down the gutter. GM/Andy/Amanda, last night, were discussing that at one point during OTEV that Helen was half way up the hill to make the sacrifice. Elissa came from nowhere - she was under the water while Helen was climbing - and went up the hill to surpass Helen and she didn't even use the rope to do it. Then again, maybe not re: gutter. After their initial nervous shock at how PoV went down they tried to put the win at pure luck.

Perfect Scenario for next week is Elissa manages to squeak out a HoH win despite the psychological warfare Spencer and McCrae are promising they're going to put down on her. Candice wins her way back in the house on Gina Marie's birthday. Aaryn is nominated and evicted under Elissa's HoH. I'd be fine with McCrae, Spencer, Andy and GM's evictions as well. As much awful things as Amanda says, I do want her to make it far because she literally has been the mastermind-bully all summer.

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So today in the BB house:

Elissa has moved up the target list. She's next weeks target - according to Amanda, and her opinion is all that matters - unless she wins HoH/PoV which they're no longer laughing at the possibility of after OTEV. El is not turning her back on Helen at all (nobody has been told or believes that El gave Helen the whole story; but El hasn't turned on Helen completely like Amanda had wanted) so that concerns Amanda - along with Helen telling them that she'll have El go after them. Aaryn's reporting everything back to Amanda like clock work is helping Aaryn's case for not being next.

Elissa thinks it's only about half of them after her, hopefully DR clues her in so she'll go beast for the next HoH.

Helen campaigned hard but....only Amanda destroying Amanda can save Helen. I hope Helen sells Aaryn up the river before she goes because Aaryn revealed some considerable Amanda secrets during the Helen/Aaryn talk.

El schooled Helen a bit about the stupid decisions (Helen) had pushed (Elissa) to help (Helen) make from Kaitlin's eviction on to Jessie's. Helen tried to defend her positions in each case but knows she f--ked up.

Helen: Do you think America loves us (the BB15 cast)?

Elissa: No, I think they hate us.

Amanda is fighting with Aaryn HARD, right now. This is how bad/good she is. It's the night before the PoV nomination ceremony and she doesn't have any fear AT ALL at bitching out the HoH who will be picking the nominee. Now that I think about it, Andy is the only reason this b--ch is alive in this game, lol. They're arguing about the first few weeks. Aaryn still will not take responsibility for any of her behavior and is mad that Amanda called her a c--t about it. Amanda is telling her that she just wants to pass off responsibility for her behavior on to everybody but her, herself and AA-R-Y-N. Aaryn is calling out Amanda on being a big bitch, etc.

McCrae and Elissa are going at it now. Aaryn had told Elissa it was McCrae that started the trouble before HoH earlier today. He talks a lot of s--t about what he's going to do and what he's going to say, but didn't live up to it in that back and forth. Amanda are McCrae are going at it too because he won't defend Amanda's honor.

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Hopefully the next HOH is endurance, and one Elissa can win.

Amanda is just so arrogant and that's why I can never say she's like Will, even if she wins. So much of it has nothing to do with gameplay. Will knew how to fake being humble.

I saw that Elissa was still praising Judd, even after the way they parted. If he comes back I hope he will mend fences with her.

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Right now, Aaryn is seriously contemplating nominating Amanda thanks to Amanda (and Gina Marie).

It won't happen, but, sigh... it would be L.O.V.E.

F--k, Aaryn summoned Helen to discuss putting Amanda up and they're blocking us from the conversation.

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I hate that Aaryn may be my favorite player, right now.

She told Helen point blank ANDY is not on your Team at all. Period.

She REALLY wants to put Amanda up. She's discussing a Elissa, Aaryn, GM, Helen alliance of sorts.

They need another vote. Spencer.

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The only highlight of all this pointless posturing (Aaryn ultimately nominated Spencer) is that Andy is seriously screwed. Helen has made it clear to him that she knows if she goes he is the reason why. GM and Aaryn don't buy most of what he's selling. Neither does Elissa. He now has no chance of winning.

Aaryn has also put herself very high on the target list, as soon as Andy tells Amanda that Aaryn wanted to backdoor her.

Helen talking about how America is rooting for the good people (good people don't say other players will try to kill them or their family), and begging Andy for a vote is satisfying. Helen destroyed all her allies, and did her best to destroy Elissa too, ignoring the realities of the game. To see her taken out because of her great friend Andy would be the ideal conclusion to her storyline. I hope she will not win the competition and come back in. She would just ruin everything, again, whereas Jessie, Judd, or Candice would at least have more of a role and be better on the feeds.

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Yes, Helen should go for being such a cocky bastard and throwing all her TRUE alliance members UTB but I'm fed up with Amanda's out of control power. I found myself ecstatic when I thought Amanda had a chance of being nominated. More ecstatic than I was when Amanda decided to nominate Helen.

The thing is the rat is not ratting out Aaryn at all, and thus far he's barely ratting out Elissa - as well. (Amanda's now paranoid about Elissa so it doesn't really matter if he does or doesn't). He's throwing Helen UTB though which is perfect karma in a lot of ways. There was another meeting of the minds about Amanda running the game amongst the ladies and Andy this afternoon.

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