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GM of all people should know she's near the bottom and make a power move. Oh well.

Amanda is going to try to get Aaryn to convince GM that Judd was MVP and nominated her two weeks ago, so that they can backdoor Judd.

So sick of her and her paranoia. I can't wait until she learns America is MVP - it will CRUSH her.

It's a good thing Judd never nominated GM directly and has been nice to her lately.

I feel so sorry for Candice. That HOH room is going to sound like Birth of a Nation.

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They shouldn't press their luck with the Judd thing. I think Jessie could go over Candice in terms of votes except for the fact that it would really, really piss off the blond racists in the house. Candice needs POV to remain in the game.

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I'm done with feeds until after veto. I refuse to watch Klan Barbie and rotten mouth GinaMarie bash Candice and try get her out. Gina is so predictable that her stupid ass will nominate Candice/Jessie. Hopefully America nominates Aaryn ass because I refuse to watch her strike a vote against Candice next Thursday.

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I was thinking Aaryn would be it by a large margin but there's a tremendous amount of Amanda hate out there right now. She's trending at the top of the US list on Twitter and most of it is hate. I'm going to do 30- 20 favoring Aaryn over Amanda for MVP. It might be close. Elissa is going to be blamed for MVP if Aaryn goes up which is a pain in the butt and could get her on the block if one of GM's choices wins PoV. Judd or Candice will be blamed for MVP if Amanda goes up again. I don't think there is anybody that Aaryn can't beat in the unpopular vote though.

HoH competition prizes for the first 3 that dropped. Helen got a BBQ and invited Elissa (because she's "her person" in the game) and Aaryn (because she stuck to her word). Heh. She invited GM too whom declined. She's going to force the other HG to participate in a contest for the third spot. Candice got 5,000. Spencer has to talk into a loud speaker thing (I forget the name) for the next 24 hours so he really can't campaign, lol.

Helen is so evul. She's throwing poor Jessie (as well as Candice) under the bus to Aaryn to ensure Jessie and Candice are the noms. Jessie wants to do the BBQ and is like "why Aaryn?" which Aaryn overheard and Helen relayed to Aaryn later. (Aww, poor Jessie. You're such a user Helen.) Evul Helen has to counteract the evul Amanda who isn't exactly appalled at the thought that Aaryn might try to get Elissa nominated (#1 on Amanda's wish list remains Judd) by GM which Aaryn hasn't quite done yet because she feels Elissa likes her.

Oh, Dictator Amanda basically told GM she wants to sleep in the HoH room the whole week. GM was bargaining with McCrae to throw HoH. He didn't BUT she's still giving them what she promised.

Hopefully Spencer wins the short HoH next week and puts Amanda and McCrae up.

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I am pretty sure she will put up Candice and Spencer. She isnt going to make any big moves and if she were I doubt it will happen pre-veto.

Aaryn is going up by America, Elissa will take the blame, if one of GM's noms come off Elissa will go up.

Now, if Aaryn wins veto Amanda may go up, and that could be interesting.

But im pretty sure Candice or Spencer will go.

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Jessie is having a meltdown about Helen inviting Aaryn over her to the BBQ. Am and Judd tell her she's over reacting. She retorts to the two pill-poppers that maybe if she was popping pills like them she'd be in a better mood. Zing. I wonder if Helen plotted Jessie's self destruction or is this another case of Helen's dumb luck? She told Andy she wants Candice to stay over Jessie when push comes to shove. Sigh, why can't it just be Aa leaving?

I forsee Helen spinning a tail to Amanda about how Jessie was masterminding her exit any minute now.

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Forget that last post. Candice is getting really combative with Helen and Amanda (and Elissa who is not participating much but who is even getting pissed off at Candice) telling them that along with McCrae they're running the house. She's 75% right. But the s-it is she's self-destructing and it's not about her game. It's about Howard going.

Amanda told Candice what Howard said and the men are confirming the situation looked really weird when they entered the scene. More or less confirming that it probably did happen.

Candice gave the "Power 4" a line about having the ear of every HoH and basically choosing the nominations themselves. 2 minutes later the "Power 4" is heading upstairs to HoH in a tizzy. LOL. Meanwhile, the real 4th member of that power team acts like he's contemplating Candice's words (Andy).

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These bitches are still fighting. DR talked Jessie out of self evicting. She came back out and her and Amanda are going at it like Holyfield and Tyson. Jessie's also calling Helen out.

Lots of fish. Amanda is in a rage. Candice is a mess contemplating that Howie could have said that to Amanda. Meanwhile, Elissa is f'in around with us and production about the fish and that in turn gets us fish lol.

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