Members juppiter Posted July 3, 2013 Members Share Posted July 3, 2013 I hate all the people who actually expect CBS to expel or otherwise punish these people... as was said above they'll get enough punishment once they leave the house. I like my BB real, raw, and uncensored. Start telling the HGs what they can and cannot say and the drama will go downhill. As long as ur not threatening another HG I think they should be able to say whatever they want. And Ragan is an idiot for thinking that a for-profit company like CBS is going to get even more people riled up by showing that on TV. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 BB has told people what to say and what not to say for years now, about a number of topics. While I'd like to believe that people will face criticism for these remarks when they leave the house, Dick Donato got nothing but fame, money, adoration, etc. for what he said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Yeah. HGs have basically admitted to being 'coached' in the diary room, and likely told what to say. And with the questions they get asked they can also figure things out, gamewise. It's sort of a joke. There should be a TV with questions and the HGs should just be able to talk and vent. And then if they are really nuts over something only then talk to a producer. JMO. Well, Dick's a guy. I think it's also different between men and women in terms of what they say and how they're viewed saying it. Aaryn's the sweet little Texas girl, so everyone is rightfully in an uproar over her. Dick's the tattooed, foul mouthed jerk so of course he's going to speak derogatory. That's the mindframe, IMO. Not the right mind-frame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Aryan as HOH. This poor house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Aaryn needs to be stripped of the title because her partner, Jeremy, has openly admitted numerous times he cheated in the HOH comp. Candice figured out the boys alliance and I'm glad. However, Aaryn will never believe her b/c she has Kuntlin in her ear. I think Judd though will be the one to help Candice fill in the blanks. Hopefully its not too soon. Spencer's fat ass needs to go next. So sick of no neck beast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Aaryn put all the people who aren't white (Helen, Candace) or straight (Andy) + Elissa up as Have-Nots. Howard lucked out since she could only pick 4. Spencer continues to refer to women as c**ts. Everybody's pretty much ignoring Elissa again. I hope she wins POV along with MVP this week. Candace practically figured out that there's a male-alliance using the girls as a puppets. Helen started her mind reeling by bringing up the possibility that Jeremy and Nick or Spencer are working together. Helen confronted Spencer. Spencer buls*****d Helen about it and IT appears his poop worked as Helen didn't reveal what Spencer told her about Candace which was that he told her to vote out David but to deny it to the death. Spencer cock-blocked their conversation. Hopefully it will continue later with Helen getting a clue. They did hear the applauding and booing until CBS shut it down. I'm not sure that the guests are getting that it was for the votes and not for any off them. Andy is flip-flopping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Aaryn and Jeremy did cheat, as did Elissa and Andy so really HOH should be Judd or whoever he was with. I am glad Aaaryn won HOH tho, i hate her, i do, but she adds a lot and so many people are scrambling now because she thought she had an alliance and didnt. She also seems like a wildcard that she may tell people she will do one thing then do another. I am so glad Elissa is a have not again! I also loved Helen and Candice starting to figure out the all male alliance. omg Aaryn talking about David leaving is hilarious, like they were an epic love. I cant. Judd wondering why he isnt a have not was funny, its cuz your straight and white buddy. Spencer is desperate to keep helen and candice apart because they are onto his alliance. sounds like helen and elissa are def going up. aaryn is basically letting jeremy run her hoh. nick is playing a great game so far. its pretty quiet in the house tonight tho. well as quiet as a house can be with GM in it. jeremy saying put elissa right up from the start. aaryn and her crew are confused as to why judd would go against them when they were nice to him and she told him shed flash him if he kept david. the hg are talking openly about how production will help elissa on, and are spot on. they will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Nick's suspected by a number of people, and no one beyond GIna Marie and maybe McCrae seem to have any actual trust in him. Aaryn's decision looks obvious to me. She's going to put up a minority, and Elissa. Elissa will probably MVP. The minority will go home. The only suspense this week will be whether or not Spencer, Kaitlyn, Aeryn, Jeremy, or Gina Marie can avoid using slurs. I just wonder how Allison Grodner is going to try to find anyone rootable in this house. Elissa is just pilled out and barely seems to know why she's there. Candice is on her way out. Helen is on her way out. Candice and Helen are also pretty dumb players, overall. Andy is a spineless floater with all the camera appeal of a dead fish. Judd will only ever be shown as comic relief and a buffoon, if he's shown at all. Nick is the latest smarmy gamebot who will smile and read his lines in the Diary Room well enough, but probably won't ever be a main favorite. Howard is barely there. Amanda is one-note Mean Girl parody, which might give good Diary Room. can tell why he was just an alternate. Aside from Nick, none of these are Grodner's types anyway, so it looks like she's going to be stuck with trying to make everyone love Aeryn, Kaitlyn, Jeremy, or Spencer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Grodners pet is Elissa with Nick as a backup. Not sure where you are getting that helen and candice are dumb players, they are among the smartest so far - esp Helen. Everyone did question where Nick stood but he has lied wlel enough that he has his fake alliance convenced he is with them and his real alliance knows hes with them so really only candice and helen would target him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 He's lied well enough to not be a direct target in the second week, but that doesn't seem to suggest strong trust. Spencer seems to have more of that. I guess because in this house, praising Hitler is a way to show your ethics. Helen was led around by Spencer and to a degree still is. She seems overwhelmed most of the time. She reminds me of Kail. Elissa is probably one of her favorites, but there's a lot of stuff Grodner loves that she can't have with Elissa, like showmances. I think that was where she was counting on Aeryn, and now Kaitlyn/Jeremy. Or Gina Marie/Nick, if the show pushes them hard enough. It sucks for her that the only showmance options are bigots, but that never stopped her with Jeff, so why would it now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 I don't know what's more annoying - people arguing rigged for almost everything on BB or AG's rigging? No offense, JP, I go to rigging when the side I hate wins too. Elissa got MVP the first week because of Rachel but the only reason she is going to continue to get it is because of the way the people in this house treat her. I was meh on Elissa until I started watching the feeds tonight. I loved Rachel but I wouldn't have gone out of my way to vote in a poll for her sister. Unless these girls can pull it together this is going to be a repeat of Season 12 with the men dominating and choosing one or two of the girls (Amanda? Elissa?) to ride to the Final 6-8. Jeremy needs to go home. He's the biggest threat. He lies without a conscience. He's very strong. I don't think his primary team is ready to let him go though. I doubt the minority is going to go home as long as Elissa doesn't put up a MC (male domination) member. The person that will go home is any female Elissa chooses from the mean girl group. The only way it can be avoided is if one of those girls wins POV. Jeremy is a wild card. ETA: I think Tainted Dreams got a shout out tonite on the Live Feed. Elissa and Candice were talking about Jessie and while talking about what a great guy Jessie is Elissa mentioned that he's going to be on some daytime show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 I think that Elissa was brought on to win and MVP was made to ensure she wins, along with three noms. This way, she and rachel can return next season as the winning sisters duo. I dont think Aaryn is a favorite in the way of rigging to win it for her, but def to keep her around for awhile to cause drama. GM/Nick is great because Nick basically hates her and cant do anything about it. The looks he gives the camara when shes going on and on are great, and he is totally lying to her and playing her along. As far as HJelen goes, I think she has shown herself as one of the smartest players. Shes connecting the dots, she just hasnt connected Spencer yet, and thats because he is on her and always with her. She will though, i am positive of it. Andy is desperate for an alliance. He is trying to hard right now to get in with aaryn and them. my favorite part of this alliance is how many members are not really in it lol. I am surprised that jeremy has outed the secret alliance, makes me wonder where he really falls. Nick reminds me a lot of Dan and of Matt. As of right now they seem the most confused about Judds vote, but they dont seem mad because he owned it and admited to his vote. Ugh, GM is the most annoying person this season and one of the most annoying ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 Kaitlyn and Gina Marie are being used by the main alliance, and McRay probably wouldn't want Amanda to go, so that would just leave Jessie. I guess she could go, but she's a non-entity, and she's white, so I think they'd rather have Candice or Helen go first, especially now that they know both ladies are having doubts about them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 I think that's his type, but he has a terrible social game. He reminds me more of Matt, in that Dan was, at least in the first season, better at hiding his awareness of his complete awesomeness. Aaryn tells the camera she's an All-American girl, so vote for her. This was not long after telling America to !@#$%^&*] off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 4, 2013 Members Share Posted July 4, 2013 I thought MVP would have been a secret and that the player could not be nominated due to the title. MVP gives Elissa very little safety outside of making her a bigger target that makes her attractive to an alliance. Double edged sword. MVP in no way ensures Elissa wins. It in no way ensures anybody who gets it wins. It's no HoH.It's no PoV. AG is just as likely to start rigging for the many more entertaining characters (evil or not) and the showmances. Which of his alliances did he out? I'm hoping the four other guys in MC realize they need to get rid of Jeremy before Elissa has to nominate. I thought Helen was smart but the more I see of her the more I think she is weak. She's like the player that almost gets it but that never really gets it (think: a cross between Britney and Kalia). Candice, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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