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B&B New Promo....

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yep, that's Max alright... as unattractive and anticlimactic as ever. sleep.png He was an above average actor, tho. He managed to bring the stuff he played to life. Was that down to ability, or what? We shall see.

remembering him from DAYS I think he would have 'fit' better with Steffy...

anyway, smells like fail.

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While not a superstar by any means, he was very popular on Days where he played Max for quite a few years. Max and Chelsea were a very popular soap couple, and days tried to keep him but couldnt. He went on to star on a simi-popular cable series (esp for the network it was on) that lasted a few seasons, he won an emmy, and days recently tried to get him back but didnt. I dont think he is exactly deserving of this promo, but it isnt like he is a nobody they found on sunset blvd needing a job either. They prob just wanted to create a little buzz, esp because the promo isnt all about him its just basically a mention at the end shots of him basically naked.

DB is hot, charismatic and a good actor. He is a good get for B&B and I have a feeling his character will be great for the show.

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