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:lol: You're too late. He's taken. 


Wildest Dreams is already being played on the radio. There's nothing they can do to stop Swift! :lol:


I recently listened to the recording demos she included in the album... SO good. It was just fascinating. I haven't listened to the three bonus tracks yet but I'm sure they'll be amazing. I'm hoarding them for when I desperately need new music from her but none is forthcoming lol

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The unfortunate racial implications of the "Wildest Dreams" video: 



Also, Joseph Kahn, the director of the video, is an idiot:


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Taylor is racist because she twerked in the Shake It Off Video.  Taylor is sexist in the Blank Space video.  Taylor is anti-feminist in the Bad Blood video.  And now this.  Like give me a break.  


Here's Joseph Kahn's statement to NPR: http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/09/02/436967742/the-director-of-the-taylor-swift-video-defends-his-work





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I mean, I understand what they're saying. I'm mixed on her anyway. I DO think people get carried away about her sometimes (and yes, I include myself in that, mainly because I sometimes wished I looked like her, even though I look fine :D:P), but occasionally, I think they have a point.


But I'm already risking getting the Swifties to have me executed, so I'll stop while I'm ahead. :lol:

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Yeah, I didn't originally find it to a be a problem. I could see how it could be interpreted that way, though.

But really, my biggest issue was Joseph Kahn saying he isn't racist because the producer or whoever was a "super hot" black woman. Because God forbid she's average looking. SO tone-deaf. <_<

Anyway, I'm sorry guys. :( I DO have things I like about her, but I have been getting tired of her lately. I really do a love-hate thing for her. You might have to kick me out eventually. :P

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Yeah, I jumped the gun on here. I was a little suspicious as I was posting it here, actually--as I always am whenever I start feel a bit over Taylor, which unlike most of you here I'm starting too :lol:--but I did it, and now I regret it. I'm sorry, I was wrong.

I still think Joseph Kahn saying he isn't racist because of the "super hot" black woman is tone-deaf and stupid, though. No regrets on thinking that.


I am still jealous of her looks, though. I'm blonde and blue-eyed, too, but with bigger eyes, more curves, and bigger boobs. And short legs (and I'm not as thin). Throw in the fact that we're the same age, and yeah, you can see why sometimes I feel like an ogre in comparison :lol: . I hate the stereotype about women being jealous of other women, but we do sometimes struggle with competing with each other. And I'm normally the only girl here on this thread, so...You know, having one day of looking like a model would be nice, just saying. 


But yeah, I'm really torn about her. I have things I like and don't like about her. *shrug* It's not just about being jealous about her looks--the Twitter thing with Nicki Minaj was VERY tone-deaf of her, and her guests on stage just seem like a huge friend collection thing, now, in a negative sense, and terms "girl squad" and squad goals" need to DIAF as soon as possible--but I do think I get carried away sometimes because I feel less pretty than her. And that's wrong. I have some honest criticism about her a lot, but I need to check myself sometimes.


But that "Please welcome to the stage" parody video is funny. I stand by that. Sorry. :lol:


I honestly wonder if she's going on a long break from performing once this tour is over. I remember reading somewhere before that she has one more album left for Big Machine under her contract, and I wonder if she'll either do that, but do something less commercial--she's certainly at the point in her career where she could do an album that won't necessarily have huge commercial-sounding singles, if she wants to--or if she'll disappear for awhile and have a low profile, maybe even go back to school. She's put out her first album at 16; she might be tired! 




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I'm not sure that's what he said.  Tweets are hard to interpret the context. I went to his timeline and read that tweet and it's hard to know what he's replying too or the what the context is.  You can't believe everything you like on sites like Jezebel because they take things and twist it. 
It's just a fun thing (re: the guests during Style).  Not everyone one of them are her friends.  If she finds out they're coming to the concert, she'll ask them if they'll like to be part of the show.  There's no harm in what she's doing and it's a nice surprise for the fans.    As for the musical guests, I think that's an awesome way to show your appreciation for other artists, whether it's artists of the past or up and coming artists who are getting a boost by going on stage with Taylor.  It's such great exposure for them.  And Taylor's been doing this since her Speak Now Tour. 
I don't think she will.  I think she'll release her next album in October 2016 - continuing the every 2 years cycle. She told a reporter that she's already starting to write notes about the next album.  I think the less commercial thing will happen in her 30's.  Right now it's her time to shine, she's going to continue with the big singles.   I also see her starting a family in her 30's and that's when she'll take longer breaks between albums. 
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Raquel Welch likes Wildest Dreams. :lol: Today's her 75th birthday, BTW.


Oh, and I've never had a problem with the musical guests; that makes sense. But I do think the Style part, at least by now, has become somewhat random. YMMV, of course. It made sense originally, since there's a runway, but after awhile I was just like, "We get it, Taylor, you have famous people who will come to your shows! Just keep performing!" :lol:

There's a huge fan of Taylor's who posts at Jezebel all the time named Adultosaur. I think you two would get along great. ;) 


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I know you weren't asking me, but I think it's a given that she will return to pop/country at some point. Most likely once the pop career starts to slow down (as it will inevitably happen at some point just by natural progression). She was super smart to make the jump to full-on commercial music now. When it has run its course, Country will be waiting with open arms. 

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