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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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For someone who hasn't been on Y&R in years, SID sure love's to use VR to attempt to create intrigue! I bet if you laid each cover for the last 30 years out on a giant display, you could really see a sharp change in where the daytime soaps are now compared to decades past. These covers...uh, wow.

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It almost goes without saying that whenever the stories begin to dry up, tptb rush to their old standby...Sharon's physical needs. The only thing I actually like is she has a voice of reason in her ear, in the therapist.

I'd actually like to see some scenes of actual deep therapy sessions, where they probe Sharon's thoughts, memories and subconscious for the keys to unlocking these problems that her character has been saddled with over the years. It's really the only way to get anything meaningful from all the dreck of storylines that's been shoveled her way over the years.

As for other characters with ailments, they should be showing, not telling us about how Nikki is living with MS. A five day a week, serialized drama offers the rare opportunity to show things like how a certain character is living with a disease.

It seems as though Y&R would rather promote themselves as being aware of the issue, rather than writing about how a person lives with the actual disease.

I have a friend whose Mother has had MS for over 20 years, so I know that every body copes differently and some, like my friend's Mom, live generally active lives but we don't even see Nikki dealing with the emotional aspects of a life changing disease. We basically see her mildly flirt with her Doctor and tell Victoria to write some children's books.

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Aside from the past Leslie/Gus/Tyler scenes, none of Y&R's current stories have any depth. They are very superficial. People are simply doing random things that make little sense. JG is incapable of portraying these characters in way that gives them any kind of meaningful substance.

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The Carmine, Lauren affair held my interest for awhile but now it appears the thrill is gone.

Now I can only anticipate what level of shrill sounds Phyllis will be making when she finds out that Jack sired Summer and not her fantasy man, Nick. Better get the earplugs ready (lol).

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I was enjoying the Lauren/Carmine affair for awhile also, but JG forgot to give the affair any depth. Showing Lauren and Carmine connecting on a personal level beyond those sex scenes would have explained why she continued the affair and was reluctant to reunite with Michael at first. But JG had to use the airtime for repetitive scenes for the awful Nick/Avery/Dylan/Chelsea/Adam story.

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