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GH: Week of May 27 Discussion

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WTF?!? Sonny gives Sam a gun to kill Franco. Does he or anyone else consider the fact that she is a MOTHER with a year old baby at home. Clearly she is nothing as she's fueled by her emotions of losing Jason but NO ONE in the room is even trying to stop her. I cant ebleive Sonny even handed the gun to her. They are just standing there watching her.


Dante needs to hit a gum. He's looking a bit flabby shirtless

ETA: Guess I should have kept watching bc Sam mentioned Danny and how he is the reason she cant kill Franco. Still WTF to Sonny and everyone else for standing around like idiots


Go Sam! Loved her knocking him out

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OK I can't even follow the logic, can someone explain? Franco paid Carter to appear to be targeting Michael but really be protecting him and then because it appeared he was attacking MichaelJe could tell Jason Franco says hi? What am I missing. How does that even make sense? How do you appear to be targeting someone in jail to the extent that Jason gets really hurt and worried without actually doing them any harm whatsoever??

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How convenient that GH is discussing rape the same day DAYS is. This show sucks. I just can't with RH's portrayal of Franco. James Franco was awesome in the role. FRon should've never recast. Days of our Lives has been great so I will continue watching it and continue deleting GH.

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When people would say that RC was thumbing his nose at fans, I always thought that was just people being dramatic. This Franco business has me feeling like they were right. Expecting us to swallow this is a huge slap in the face.

At the same time, I suppose on some level, I am accepting it because I won't tune out. I still care about some of these characters enough to watch, but I'm disappointed and disgusted.

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It's true but those often had some sort of convulated messed up, internal logic,but this mess about hiring someone to look like they attacked or harmed Michael but really have them protect them.... I mean how does one even do tht? How smart did Franco think this guy he hired was? If he really wanted Michael to be safe, wouldn't he have double checked to see what this prisoner's history and conduct in jail had been?

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