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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I don't feel the lack of Erica in that she's another one that was shown adnauseum. Or to me anyway. How old is Cara? Isn't she the late 20s early 30s?

I think the adults ie Adam/Brooke Opal etc could have stories if they didn't have the mindset it needs to be the Pelia/Ajanda show. Why do they need to be on a majority of every episode? Pelia get to know each other slowly. Have them on and then off a couple. Let people start to like them and get curious and WANT to see them again. Don't tell the audience this is THE couple and you will like them by shoving them down our throats. AJ/Miranda are cute. They share their problems. I get it. I don't need the same convo every ep while they declare each other the 'bestest friend ever.' Their repetitive convos could've been airtime to feature stories for B&A. For Opal.

It's nice to see them in scenes with their family. But how about their family in scenes of their OWN?

Cass is in danger. I get it. But that doesn't need to be shown EVERY episode. J&A and Zach can take a break. They're working on that and then show some episodes of OTHERS with their stories. I can only hope when Cass is rescued they go to B and others get the A airtime. But again until I see different the impression I'm getting is this is who PP or the HWs value. It may be I'm still weary due to years of ABC favoritism and telling us only the 'young' characters or HW's faves matter and the rest are window dressing.

I'm watching no matter what. No one owed the audence to bring these shows back. And yes I'm grateful. Some show is better than none. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement or expressing you would like to see some.

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I don't think bringing a character back will fix any problem. Tad in particular I have little desire to see again. I just think they need to have a tighter group and charismatic young actors. I know a lot of people don't like them but I think AJ and Miranda were good examples of where AMC's future could go. I can feel a connection and history there, which I can't with some of the other young characters.

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Melissa Archer on the switch:

I know some of you are worried or concerned about the recently announced changes coming to our show. First, rest assured, we have remained in Hulu & iTunes top ten since we’ve launched. Our ratings are amazing. This new change is not not a bad thing. I know some of you won’t like it, but I think it is smart. I think that now because you can watch anytime, & because our show is going at a faster pace than traditional soaps so you can’t miss a couple of days & be fine, airing 2 days a week instead of four will help people stay caught up & not become overwhelmed with how much they have to watch & then stop watching. It’s happened to me with shows, & imagine a few of you have experienced it. In order to ensure longevity of this show, it has to be more mainstream…si milar to prime time. I feel we are heading very much in that direction, & I support the changes that need to be made. This is not a desperate move, it is a smart move. Not to mention there could be more changes in the future. This is a discovery process. I for one, can’t wait to keep discovering. Being a part of the future in my industry…that makes me proud.

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One thing that annoys me is that Hulu encourages binge viewing by basically loading the next episode for you and if you do nothing it plays. If they didn't want us to watch this way, they should make us actively reload the next episode.

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But Melissa, I've had no problem staying caught up with AMC & OLTL. AMC & OLTL have simply made me get very lazy and behind with GH.

In all seriousness, I appreciate these well thought out statements from her and JvD. I hope we get something from Ginger Smith or Jen Pepperman as they both seem like smart, no BS showrunners and I'd like to hear thoughts/reassurance from them as to how this affects story pacing go forward. But they're probably still figuring that out so I won't hold my breath.

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I haven't had an issue keeping up either, and telling people they have to watch every episode doesn't mean people will. If someone is a casual fan they aren't going to be reading comments from the actors or press releases from PP that would be explaining what was going on just logging into Hulu and seeing there was no new episode available. So I wouldn't be surprised if there was some angry Facebook remarks coming on the Hulu episodes or freak outs of where is today's OLTL on Monday or on Tuesday hearing the same where is AMC.

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You are all going to HATE this idea with a passion, BUT...what if new eps weren't available on Hulu for as long? For instance, what if a new episode of AMC or OLTL were made available after 12 am ET, and you have, say, 24 hours to watch before the episode is removed and replaced with the next? Also, you fix it so one can't store an episode illegally on his computer or post it on YT. Then, after 22 weeks (or 44 episodes), you release the episodes as a set not just on iTunes, but also on DVD's, Netflix, Vudu, Amazon Instant Video, Blockbuster and wherever else.

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