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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Perhaps it's only temporary? I see at least one day next week being devoted to a marathon of "The Americans."

I clicked on a link for AMC in today's schedule and got some message saying "Specified show does not exist," or whatever. Wow.

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We Canadians have ways to watch that do not involve FX Canada ;)

Not surprised FX has pretended they never existed.... two half hour shows a week probably is not worth it when they could fetch more money syndicating a show five days a week.

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I think they should air the episodes from 1975 and up on the off days for both shows and periodically have a caption on the screen like "This person doesn't look like Dorian as we know her. At this time she was played by Nancy Pinkerton". This could be a learning experience for both new audiences and new writers.

Basically, a "Afternoon to Remember" type thing.

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The shows are up on iTunes Canada now also...so there is a legal way.

I hope that PP knew this would happen once they changed the airing schedule and took this into account when it came to money. If they thought FX Canada wouldn't balk and they expected that money, the people working at the shows could be totally screwed.

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Folks, PP is doing something that has never been done so some slack needs to be given to the people who put their money (a lot) where their mouth is. Prospect Park, after looking at oodles of numbers and other information, decided to do what they did. There is no template, no formula for doing this. It is a new business model and as reactive information comes in they are tinkering with it to get it right. After some time passes they may go to three shows or four shows or perhaps even five. Or Sunday specials. Who knows? The numbers speak and adjustments are made or not made. Bottom line is viewership is great and we are taping like little devils in our Stamford home. Be patient, be supportive. Our shows are back.
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LA Times story about what happened...


(One comment for the paid views on iTunes I've seen bandied about is that if you order one show it is one price and if you get both there is a discount...That may get more people to buy both if they already are watching both...but are fans of one more than the other.)

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