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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Same. I've said before that PP needed to grow new viewers in addition to the pre-existing ones in order for this to work. So far, I haven't been convinced that that has happened. Ergo, I tend to think this is PP's last attempt to squeeze what few dollars they still can from the enterprise before walking away altogether.

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Exactly. And then some people get mad when I say that some fans act like PP cult members. All PP did was decide to produce new episodes for two classic daytime dramas. When they announce after three weeks that they can only come up with two 25 min. episodes each week, is it really that mean to say that something is not going very well?

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wow... all I see are bitter, paranoid, ungrateful sorry excuse for soap fans who never gave these people a chance... this whole self-entitlement soap fans have is partly to blame for these shows getting cancelled in the first place

this arrogant, selfish, ungrateful and self-entitled view most soap "fans" have give the rest of us a bad name and it makes me ashamed so they are cutting back on episodes of both soaps, so what?? it's better have 2 per soap, than NONE at all. if something happens b/c of the whole immature attitude of some people, and they are cancelled again.. you better blame YOURSELVES. you overreacted and lashed out like children. calm the hell down, before throwing accusations and attacking, shouldn't the revival of both All My Children and One Life to Live in ANY form be a good thing? This is reviving this "dying" genre, I just don't understand this

look at this from the actors and crew's POV, they are busting their asses off

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Exactly. You cannot blame viewers who gripe because they are sick and tired of the roller coaster. They want the shows to succeed as much as anyone else; however, they want and need and deserve some stability here, too.

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See M, if this were blunder #1, I could see the use of the terms "hysteria and negavitiy" being annoying. But these people changed the endings of 2 soaps so that they could pick them up how they wanted only to drop the project because they were not ready. Then the lawsuit against ABC because GH and now this? I'm sorry, but how confident would you be in any other business venture that does not appear to be able to get it right?! I mean, these guys are idiots!

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Honestly with fans like these we might as well develop more cheap fare like the chew. Maybe what these kind of fans deserve is all these soaps gone and dead and just cheapo fare. With pp to be honest I was shocked they were bringing them back a second time and being able to do what they could do. Ginger smith had nothing as Amc was much harder sale then oltl. U know it's these kind of soap fans that got our shows cancelled abc in first place.

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No, what got these shows cancelled by ABC was ABC mishandling these shows resulting in massive viewer defections. If people like Brian Frons had put aside ridiculous agendas and such and just allowed the writers to write as THEY saw fit, we wouldn't have needed Rich and Jeff's help.

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