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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I'm a Pisces too so don't blame that :P (I never knew apathy was a Pisces trait, I thought when it came to the arts we were meant to be obsessive *shrug*--I admit with me I like the serial form and the only time I usually drop a show--even when the quality SUCKS--is when for some reason I fall several episodes behind and just can't be bothered.)

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The next couple of months will be harder to watch, as they wrote it for 4 eps week, but I think once we pass it and the writing is focused on 2eps :)

I think we need to try and think of them as 'new' shows. And starting any show with 2hours of eps a week they'd most likely not work/get axed.

Starting slow like the UK Soaps had, the more I think about the more I like it. As they can always add more in the future

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Dude, you're both clearly going to watch and are already in a processing phase so I wish we could cut through the drama.

Honestly, that's what drives me up the wall far more than anything else. Online fandom having conniption fits, sometimes over nothing, sometimes over something that is just as not as big as they think it is. I don't have time to keep up with the hysterics. Whether or not this bears out to be a big problem, I can't get overly concerned yet when they're still in production and still topping the viewing charts.

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Exactly. Typically new business ventures will forecast 5, and 10 years out. They will have a "scale-up" operating model to scale their business according to their growth projects. They will also have a "scale-down" operating model to mitigate risks from unforseen market pressures in a sustainble way. In any service/products based industry, the last thing you want to do is for your business model to negatively impact your consumer experience. This sounds more like a contingency plan, not a mitigation plan.

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I was thinking of Peyton Place (which I'm about half way through the series.) It was not just a cult classic, it was a PHENOMENON for its first few years and many think saved the failing ABC network. And yes, it had 2, 25 minute episodes a week. The pace however was perfect for that as was the character balance (usually only two stories going on at once--maybe a third burbling under.) Watching it now,it still feels much more like a daytime soap (with great production values for its time) than later primetime soaps, maybe because it did air all year long, with no reruns or off seasons.

Interestingly midway through its second year it went to three episodes a week and quickly lost viewers who found it hard to catch up. It went back to two, but viewership dropped and its last season it went to one a week (in total I believe it has 600 episodes or so for about five years.) It has to be pointed out though one reason it never re-gained viewers was due to a show that at first felt so groundbreaking and edgy, with the huge social changes from '64'69 and it hardly adjusting to them, it soon felt behind the time.s

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