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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Brenda is a SKANK. Seriously, the night she and Jax break up, she beds her ex husband's son? I didn't get it when I first saw the promo but I am totally on Carly's side and endorse her putting her hands on Brenda. So far Brenda's return has been one big FAIL! Bitch can kick rocks

Im glad Nik is finally awake. Almost felt like a wasted return with him being out the entire time. Not minding him in his scenes with Liz

Felicia and Mac's material with Anna today was pretty good. I like them all as friends.

So AJ and Liz did have an act and we didnt see it? Lame

There goes Stavros. Would have been an amazing ending had it not been spoiled for me

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There's no way you actually believe they slept together, do you? "Trust me on this, we don't have anything to be ashamed of" said it all. But yea, definitely skeevy of her for playing both Carly and Michael. I think the scenes opened with her trying to tell Carly it wasn't what it looked like but Carly went off and Brenda just went with it.

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Seriously, Carly, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. (Besides, you're screaming at yourself in a mirror. What are people going to think?)

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Does Carly know that? Look at what she walked in on which Brenda did NOT deny. She was poking and prodding, rubbing it in her face with all that gloating. IMO, Carly has every right to be pissed at her and smack her silly. Brenda presented herself as a skank today and she did so to intentionally hurt Carly

My current signature is so appropriate for this. Brenda, talk sh-t, get hit!

And why was Michael naked in Brenda's bed? Why would he go along with this nonsense and not calm Carly down with the truth? Why would he hurt Carly like that?

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Michael was so drunk he doesn't remember what happened the night before, so he's going with the obvious assumption that they slept together. He's not in it to hurt anyone, Brenda is taking advantage of him but not in the way that Carly thinks she did. She probably found him drunk and said he could sleep at her place or something.

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