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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Oh Robin would have high-fived her and it was funny, but it's just not something that Brenda would do. It was super childish and even though Robin would have approved, Brenda should have had enough respect for her memory not to cause a scene and get herself kicked out of an event that was her sole purpose to return to town. It is what it is, but I cant see post-1996 Brenda ever doing something so lame.

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I cant with this red carpet acting like these people are celebrities. Like these reporters actually know who the F--k Ellie Trout is? SMH rolleyes.gif

Duke looks absolutely ridiculous showing up in a kilt


Why does this little girl have so much makeup on?


WTF is Cackles wearing?


Bobbie's dress is lovely. Can we please get her to reunite with Monica onscreen?


Move out the way! Make room bc Barney is coming through!

When did Bobbie fake blindness to snag a man and who was it?

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Damn Ellie was effing gorgeous, my girl is amazing :wub:

I think they used "All I Need" cause "Lady of My Heart" would be too personal for Jack and Kristina, if I remember right he's dedicated LOMH to Kristina before when he's sung, so yeah I can see why they wouldn't use it

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Brenda never met Shawn? They didn't come across paths last time she was here? Im guessing she doesn't realize he was hired to kill her

Sabrina....so just like that she agrees to be Patrick's date and drops Milo? Selfish bitch

Even though I don't like them, I love that GH has nurses again. For the longest time, the only one with any longevity was Elizabeth. They added some NS chicks, but they didn't last more than a few months.

Anna's dress is ugly and hear earrings are just as bad

Sam looks cute but her dress does not. Is it wrong that I want her to screw Maks' character? Can they please just have a drunken ONS?



Lucy calling Bobbie, one of her dearest and oldest friends....that was sweet. Her dress though during that? Hot mess

I LOVE that there's no OLTL interlopers here for this

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She did when he was helping Sonny to find her when she was kidnapped. IIRC, she knew he tried to kidnap her before the wedding, as well. Whatever, it's not as bad as the last return when she said she met Jerry only once. Even though they spent 1998 hanging out and in storylines together.

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I hate how THIRSTY Felix is. Sit your ass down. Him offering himself up to Anton was embarrassing



How childish can she be? I mean really, picking a food fight at a charity event meant to honor her dead friend?

LMAO at Mac clowning Frisco in front of everyone

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