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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Monica does need a boyfriend....

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This is true. But of course, FRon definitely would have shown her the door before anyone else. They don't have the capacity to appreciate her skills. FRon didn't need to fire GH's writing staff, and you can't tell me they would not have taken a pay cut if necessary. The OLTL "writing" team get FRon. They know what to deliver. They never have to talk to one another about work and nothing well thought out, emotional or even remotely consistent is expected of any of them - they are all too happy to deliver! FRon have trained them very well!

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I agree on both points, but I wish Brenda would have spent more than two hours in PC before declaring her undying love to Sonny AGAIN. When nothing at all has changed about his life except now he has a crazy girlfriend for her to duke it out with. I also wish they would have shown J&B happy for more than a second and not let twenty years of history go down the drain in two segments. Brenda got dumped, but Jax is the one who is hurt again. I like bitchy, sassy 90's Brenda as much as the next person, but I wish she was being like this for a good reason. Not because she immediately wants to fall back into Sonny's arms. Kinda crappy parenting as well. Brining two men into Alec's life in two years when the poor kid didn't know her for the first four years of is life. I will say she is much more entertaining playing a hot mess than the saintly supermodel saving the world. I guess we will see how it goes next week. It seems like Vanessa is still taping, so I wonder if her return is longer than initially thought.

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As someone who adores Queen B, in large part, because she's always worn her heart on her sleeve through the sassy bitchery (which I do love about her as well) that she's dished out at times, I strongly believe that there's a huge difference in how that was written in the 90s (as a maddeningly endearing quality that made her relatable to many) and how that hack, Ron, is setting it up now (as a punchline that provides both viewers and other characters to tee-hee and kee-kee at).

Though that shitty spoiler runs the gamut from being a confirmed one

to a misinterpreted one

, I do know that I won't be sticking around to see my favorite GH character be made a fool of again. I barely made it through showkiller Guza's crap and I damn sure won't be sitting through it again.

Oh, and just in case I hadn't made it clear yesterday, Ron can go fvck himself with the rusty kernel of an story idea that he's decided to bring to fruition.

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lol. I think today's show will definitely let us know that Carly has no reason to do anything like this, and I'd hate to think that FRon would reduce her to this. They probably would if they didn't like her with Roger so much, so I guess I will have to be thankful for that.

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I can't even talk about the spoilers because it's just WRONG!!!!! So moving on...........

The biggest problem isn't Brenda's attitude, it's the lack of setup for all this. RC/Guza both just rely/relied on what we have seen on-screen the last twenty years to sell this story. I know J&B/S&B have a long history and Brenda loves both men because I saw it. If I tuned in three days ago, I wouldn't have a clue and just think Brenda was a trifling, selfish ho. They needed to show some loving J&B to set up this conflict. Instead we got her randomly showing up at Sonny's on her first day professing her undying devotion because ?. Nothing has changed in Sonny's life. I think some nice J&B scenes before going to see their respective exes would have gone a long way. I mean, J&B fans didn't even get a kiss out of this two minute reunion.

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WTF?? Nothing screams GH supercouple like Spixie, Carson, and Tarly. Like was the studio really empty that day? They couldn't find anyone but LW to interview? That clip also makes it seem like LW has played Carly for 22 years even though I know that wasn't her intention.

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LMAO! While I love any Tarly talk, I am just wondering why there was no LL. I mean, they are the greatest supercouple of Daytime. And Sonny and Carly? Brenda should have been in there, but I suspect Franko had an agenda. He can't waste time selling SB when he's got that clown on his mind. And I liked LW's part because she was honest. After being in this business for so long and at her age, she gets a new fresh love story that is well received. Ordinarily, 2 twenty somethings would have Tarly's story, but 2 forty somethings sold the hell out of it. I really like that!

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I don't actually mind Tarly. They are pretty good, but the whole interview was bizarre. No mention of L&L, S&B, R&H, or F&F, but SPIXIE got a shout out? Agenda for sure. LW has never even really played Carson since she began. Carjax is the closest she got to a supercouple and even with that J&B > Carjax (disregarding this return until I know how it ends).

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