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Married to Medicine


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LMAO at Quad's husband reading her about referring to the dogs like people. I think he's just beyond frustrated about her not wanting to have his kids. Quad saying her dogs are her babies and now business partners? Bitch, please

Toya is so irrelevant. Who the heck cares about her nonexistent story. Its obviously fake. She was pretending to be all upset that she lost $50K while her husband was acting nonchalant and the lawyer was giggling about it. I rolled my eyes when she "found someone" to rent the house in the next segment. Bitch, please

Cynthia! So cool to see a RHOA crossover. If Bravo wanted to do another spinoff, they could have Dr. Jackie or Simone show up on ATL as a doctor Kenya consults about having a baby

LMAO, that first white girl they saw could not walk for sh-t

Why did Dr. Jackie have to babysit? How old is that oldest one? He looks old enough to stay in the house by himself.

Wow, I cant believe they did an entire episode without Mariah. It was pretty boring without her and Heavenly (who only had that one short segment with her daughter)

Edited by Cheap21
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I feel like the trip will be boring without Mariah. I like her in a love to hate kind of way. I am ready for the reunion. I was prepared to be Team Quad but she's doing too much and at the end of the day Mariah did make her relevant.

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Dr. Darren set my gaydar off again on tonight's episode. Something about him just does not sit well with me. I think he's one of us. :P

Overall, I thought the episode was only somewhat interesting because of Dr. Greg (again). From his speech earlier, I think he is saying in so many words that he is ready to check out and jump off the Quad train. Can't say that I blame him either. Plus, Quad needs to stop trying to be upper-crust and proper because that bish stays butchering the english language. And for Dr. Heavenly to be such a religious, classy lady, she sure threatened to whoop Simone's ass twice in her talking heads tonight. Fraud. Lisa Nicole brought nothing (as usual), but I laughed my butt off to hear Darren spill that he was sleeping around on her all through their courting stages. I did enjoy Mariah not being phased about the trip and spending her time trying to build on her fortune.

And seeing Eugene say that Toya's uterus is now his (he owns it)....closedeyes.jpgblink.png

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This was a fun episode. I busted out laughing when Lisa hopped in the car as Eugene put in reverse trying to get up to the other cabin.

Simone is clearly being asked by producers to be the run tell that of the group. I doubt Mariah is going up there to plead her case to the girls. Nobody has an issue with her besides Heavenly and Quad. Toya and her will never be friends, Lisa will blow wherever the wind blows, and Jackie couldn't care less.

I'm over it. And either Mariah or Quad need to exit after this season if it's so hard for them to be around each other.

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I did but wasn't a whole lot to say. Im ready for Mariah to bust them bitches up Jill Zarin style. It was super messy of Dr. Simone to invite her but Im glad she did

Toya? Continues to be irrelevant with her fake house storyline


Dr. Heavenly looked a damn fool in her costume.

I probably should have commented as I watched the episode as I cant even recall much of what went down

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