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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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The location shoot also involved Natalie too, but I don't know if the tattoo organization storyline will be involved in that location shoot since Destiny, Jeffrey, and Matthew aren't involved with that s/l except maybe Dani, who's Todd's daughter.

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I just tweeted to Rob Gorrie (NuMatthew, OLTL) on twitter asking him if there were any other actors besides him and Melissa Archer that were at the location shoot yesterday, and he tweeted back to me saying he wasn't sure, because he taped his location shoot scenes alone.

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From Jerry VerDorn on Facebook (Clint,OLTL)
Folks, PP is doing something that has never been done so some slack needs to be given to the people who put their money (a lot) where their mouth is. Prospect Park, after looking at oodles of numbers and other information, decided to do what they did. There is no template, no formula for doing this. It is a new business model and as reactive information comes in they are tinkering with it to get it right. After some time passes they may go to three shows or four shows or perhaps even five. Or Sunday specials. Who knows? The numbers speak and adjustments are made or not made. Bottom line is viewership is great and we are taping like little devils in our Stamford home. Be patient, be supportive. Our shows are back.

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I tweeted to Terri Conn on twitter about why she wasn't asked back again by PP to play Aubrey again for OLTL, and she responded back to me saying that she was asked back by them again, but she didn't reach back to them in time, but she also said the door is always open for her to return to the show again because she loves OLTL! I know that some of you on here hated TC/Aubrey, but I rather have her back on the show than have JWOWW/Nikki back on OLTL!

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For some reason, I find Jerry's statement to be the most comforting and reasonnable one we've heard. He's not totally spouting the company line of people just couldn't keep up with four eps and instead just being honest that they're trying to figure out the business and production models while working hard in Stamford. I don't think he would be as quick as some other actors to jump on the BS train if he felt like PP wasn't committed. I could be totally wrong but right now I really appreciate his take.

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