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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I see jfung's point about the younger folks being stereotyped as drunks, sluts and partiers, but frankly, most are. I'm young(ish) and while I don't party anymore, it happens. A lot. Groups can be near incestous. Etc. Is it something we need to see all the time? Nope. But it is a BIG part of young people's lives and I'm glad they are doing shots, taking clothes off ... it seems much more normal than them running companies, and being married off like they're 40 when they're fresh out of high school. I think we'll see seriousness. Dani clearly has a problem. Jack has issues. Destiny has issues. Jeffrey may party at night but he's supposedly Viki's 'star reporter' so ... I think we'll be fine.

I know a lot will probably be "omg ... too many young people!" but folks, give them a shot! Soaps are about generations of people. Unfortunately, on the networks, the young people are AWFUL most of the time, so I get the hesitation but I'm going into this with a new, fresh perspective and I already like what I see. But to each their own.

And you have to remember, Disney owns ABC, the teens were pretty much Disney-fied IMO, which did none of them any favors. I'm still surprised they had Destiny pop out a baby.

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Daytime Confidential has a blind item about someone behind the scenes being forced out due to having a different vision for the show than the higher ups. I wonder if that could be Susie Horgan on OLTL. We haven't heard of any other headwriters or executive producers leaving a show, but it could be announced soon. If that is the case, I wonder how her vision would've differed from what the producers wanted.

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Well yeah and I can see some online reacting really strongly to the preview and complaining but... (and I know you weren't disagreeing here) this is a PREVIEW. They aren't gonna show 30 seconds of scenes of people sitting around and studying. This is the equivalent of a sizzle reel.

Anyway--I love it. :D Everyone's said everything I could possible say, but I've watched 7 times, sent it to random facebook friends and forums, etc

So glad TOLN is posting this stuff straight away to youtube now so I can see it (might as well advertise on there and not just post previews to Hulu) but still a bit worried about watching new eps, I won't lie.

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He did! I guess it makes sense. It just seems odd for her to leave at a time like this. Her entire soap career was mostly traditional soap, so I can't see her pitching something outrageous. We'll see once we see the on air product develop. It'll probably be several months before we see a shift in tone and get an idea of why she may have been let go. Regardless of if her vision was right or wrong, it upsets me to see a writing shake-up this early for either of the new soaps. Still keeping my fingers crossed though. Everything is looking good so far.

As for that promo, it was FABULOUS and just what I've been waiting for. These behind the scenes videos have been good, but they haven't done much for me. I feel like there is more potential for behind the scenes videos once these shows premiere. Right now they're keeping people and stories so secret that there is only so much you can do in those videos. I'm glad we have first week spoilers and actual trailers which can be used to build momentum. The OLTL did exactly that for me. They showcased a range of emotions and a variety of ages and new and old faces. It worked very well as the trailer to a new show, which is good for new viewers.

I'm excited to see the AMC trailer because that show hasn't been looking as interesting to me. I'm hoping for a pleasant surprise there.

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I'm not sure I'm going to be able to see that guy as Matthew (he looks a little too old in the face), but I didn't feel like the preview was saying everything with younger characters will be partying and sex. Most of that involved Matthew and Dani. The others it was just one scene.

I thought the promo was sleek and had a good blend of characters. They had a very diverse selection of scenes and some of them were great hooks, especially Tea in the empty nursery. I wish we'd seen Blair outside of Todd, but I guess that probably will be her main story while Todd is on.

At least Renee's wig lives on.

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