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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Loose Lips just repeats others' - I don't think she has had an original scoop ever. As far as Michael Logan being made to look foolish, his ego is huge and he is used to be the king of daytime scoopage, but I'm pretty that PP doesn't care about catering (for good or for bad) to the soap press.

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A scapegoat is someone who is blamed for something they didn't do. Logan is being held responsible for the fact that he said something would happen and it didn't.

But I have no doubt that if and when an announcement is made, be it next week, next month or next year, he will take credit and claim that he was right all along.

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All of that sounds lovely, but you can't do that in a GOOD way with just a few episodes, which is probably the most we could get from PP at this point. You'd need a whole second season for that...and then people would be bitching that they still want to know where characters X, Y and Z are and do AJ and Miranda grow up and get married and live happily ever after? And do Cara and David eventually get back together? Do Erica and Dimitri end up together? Where is Jack? Do Tad and Dixie get back together (again)? What happens to JR? Etc., etc.

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I think a two-hour MOW could accomplish a lot, and then there would be a few open-ended storylines that would leave the audience wanting more (we always do), but it could end on a more hopeful note.

Then again, while I liked the opener (episode 1), I also thought that PV came off a little too depressing after five years (it took a week or two for me for the show to feel lighter) from the shooting. IMO, it should have opened with a celebration - Brooke and Adam's wedding day, and then the pieces from the night of the shooing unraveling with David's release and JR waking up - but that is just me.

Like I said, it would be nice, but I'm far more content with the feeling that the lives of those in PV continues after PP's revival rather than ABC finale.

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I think it would be classy to wrap the shows with some 60-90 minute thing for each which takes care of some of the major storylines while leaving other elements open or leaving hints to future intrigue. But either way, even if they're never picked up again, I think the healthiest thing for a soap is for there always to be the sense that the story, the place, the people, the community goes on, day to day. OLTL's network finale got that right in a big way IMO, and if the PP soaps leave it there they will also have.

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Personally, I don't want or need a new finale. I don't think it will change anything. I think that most of the people who claim they want a proper finale mean that they want a happy ending for their character or couple. I get that because I have characters and couples that I'd like to see a new ending for too but that's not about the shows.

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Hey Errol! I see that you're in this thread. While I have your attention, there's a member named Taoboi who's been waiting to be validated for months now. He is an active poster in the status updates section, the only place he can post. When you have a moment, please grant him posting privileges. He'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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