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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Getting the loyal, core audiences to watch was easy. Most, if not all, would have returned just because their shows had. Lapsed viewers might have returned as well, depending on how much they missed AMC or OLTL. However, in order to keep these shows "on the air," so to speak, PP needs AMC and OLTL to engage new viewers. IMO, that should be the main objective here, not just giving the outraged fans their "children" back. That's why I asked up-thread how successfully AMC and OLTL had completed the task of getting people who weren't familiar to check them out online, given their accessibility. I wish someone had conducted a survey to answer this important question. Because, depending on these kinds of results, I think it's highly possible for Hulu and/or PP to consider developing and producing new soaps down the line.

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Thats part of the fun and why I love soaps. If I decided to tune into any given soap on monday for the first time without ANY prior I would be learning about the characters and storyline the same way old audience members would except the fact that old audence members have a sense of familiararity.

The advantage soaps have over all other mediums is that we learn about the characters the same time the actors learn about the characters and the same time the characters learn about the characters.There is a reason why they are known as "Continuing Stories" and it's not beacuse the story development and character exploration ends.

Also, Being able to figure out story the same time as everyone else renders the principle behind releasing DVD's to the public because, again THE STORIES DON'T END. IF THEY ARE CANCELLED THEY JUST LINGER ON IN YOUR IMAGINATION!

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I actually agree that he's not that great of an actor, but he's at least as good as most of the twentysomethings playing teens who get top billing.

He used to be better when he was younger. Fans dogged on him then too but he still made an impact as Tony Santos.

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If anyone should be raising AJ right now, it should be Dixie. Brooke might be Adam's fiancee, but from a legal standpoint, she isn't AJ step-grandmother yet. Meanwhile, Dixie is the only one who has remained in PV these past "five" years, as Adam implied in the first episode that he's out of town a lot. So, unless she arranged for AJ to live with Adam at the Chandler mansion, it makes no sense to me that AJ lives there. (Wait, where IS Dixie living these days?)

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