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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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I wouldn't call it borderline, I'd call it pure misogynistic storytelling.

Damn it, R, I've never agreed with you so much as I have been this week!

I'm also a prude then. I have no interest in watching young hairless boys and I felt uncomfortable that it took so long for Rafe to put his shirt on.

Did FV really do that? It doesn't surprise me but still it just seems wrong.

Don't give Cartini any ideas! I can't imagine anything worse than the current vampire [!@#$%^&*].

Really, she fell off a roof a few months ago? You couldn't tell from the way she's walking around now.

You'd think Ron would've read up on human anatomy before starting work on GH, but no he must think the head and neck are close enough for Kevin to break his neck from a head injury.

Excellent point about the Duke mask! At this point, I'm surprised Anna can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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They're both crap. Both make fun of women, both are annoying, both need to go. Sabrina ia a pathetic child enamored with a man who's wife just died and everybody and their mother sings her praises. They have a professional woman who has no reason to even second glance at that twit throwing her career away over insecuring over Miss Fluffy hair. RC's dumbass also keeps trying to make her seem more important by saying she's related to Miguel(she's not and even if she was that's not anything to brag about). And Connie is scum(and badly acted comedy); making a complete joke of mental illness walking around town committing crimes while other people have to pay for theirs.

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That's not overly different from Connie. They even have Tracy propping her. They are both designed to degrade women, neither woman can act, neither woman has chemistry with her costars, so it's just choosing which degradation is less repulsive. I'll take Sabrina in that contest. Or death. I'm not choosy.

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No one is singing Connie's praises and talking about how awesome she is. Olivia and now Tracy are about the extent of the people that can tolerate her in town. Everyone else either wishes Kate were back or merely cant stand Connie. The way the writing is approached for Connie any Sabrina is vastly different

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Why sing that twat's praises when:

She is an accessory after the fact of the murders of Cole, Hope and Anthony - no jail time

She kidnapped Johnny to keep from going to the looney bin and in the process, she killed her son and crippled a young woman - no jail time

She's commited blackmail/coersion

She convinced a judge that she is the host but is not paying for any crimes.

Yet, she has Sonny sniffing behind her as he begs her for the smallest bit of attention. He thanks her for what she did for Krissy? WTF did she do for Krissy?!

She is running Crimson as well as The Sun but has no experience to helm either

She has Tracy as her new bestie

She can tell THE FBI to !@#$%^&*] off

We were supposed to sympathize with her because she lost a son she hated, but that was for one day as she went back to be the clown the audience loves so damn much!

The character is being forced on the audience just like Sabrina only Sabrina is not a heinous piece of trash. She is just a severely propped pigtailed jackass!

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