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I haven't watched this week's eppy, but I did catch the first two...

1. I only knew Robin Harris from House Party & as the inspiration behind BeBe's Kids, so I liked learning where it all began.

2. Part of me wished that Pam Grier named Philip Michael Thomas' name when she talked about the bastard that vanished when she told him she had cancer.

Edited by VirginiaHamilton
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I saw a piece from last night, and I can't wait to see the whole eppy. Its on the DVR. So is old Pammy. I watch that trash, Foxy Brown and Coffee, every chance I get. Good trash, I tell yah.

Danielle Spencer has lost quite a bit of weight, and her voice has changed a lot. Wonder if she is still having medical problems. I hope not.

13 children? You think that greasy faced mofo had time to tend to Pammy?

If you had seen her on Life After, I think you would be able to tell that something might be wrong. Life After cannot be more than 3 years old and DS' voice was not much different from Dee on WH? I hope she's ok.

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You think he was tending to all those 13 children? ;)

Stop. Just stop. If say anything more about PMT, I'm liable to find his greasy ass and drag him out into the street by his chest hairs.

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Danielle's been walking with a crutch for the past few years. People were saying that she has M.S., but she's actually suffering from latent affects of a horrific car accident (that killed her stepfather) nearly forty years ago. She looked fabulous, though. I love that cast, and Shirley was such a riot.

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I don't believe she has MS. On a plane, many years ago, she discovered during flight that she could barely move or walk. Her spine was severely damaged in the 77 car crash but the specific injury was missed. At one point, Danielle was almost suicidal. They found a facility to help and they got her walking again.

It really was a great eppy, and I will always believe that, no matter what her size was, Mabel King was one of the most beautiful women to ever grace television. Her skin was flawless!

I didn't know ET had a drug problem. So happy he overcame it. Too bad Berry lost his battle.

Haywood is doing great!

Edited by ChitHappens
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I won't lie - if I were around as a teen in 1976, I'd be all about Dwayne, too. Even though I knew that he had his comeback with EHC, it's still heartening to hear that Raj climbed out of the black hole of drug addiction - especially since poor Rerun, Mama, and Shirley had such tragic ends.

On another note, damn that Shabba-Doo for holding up well for his age. Had I not been privy to his abusing Lela Rochon, I'd feel less guilty about finding him good looking.

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I've been watching WH!! via Encore On Demand, and I always forget how much I enjoy it. Say what you want about Mabel's reasons for leaving, but I think it's a solid program that did "us" a lot of good. Let's talk about the fabulous Fritzi Burr as the boys' teacher, though.

Dwayne was adorable and I probably would have kept a Sister2Sister poster or two of him under my mattress. I need to see their episode of Unsung, because it truly is one of those unsung shows that doesn't get talked about a lot. 227, Amen, and Living Single would also be good candidates.

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