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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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From what I understand, the big thing that made her dead to many fans was when she shot and killed a cop (I think his name was Brian?), which Zander took the fall/was blamed for and led to his suicide by police. Courtney was never punished for that, and in fact PROSPERED afterwards, which irked many fans and led them to nickname her CopKilla.

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Courtney was hated the minute she dropped AJ for Jason. That was compounded with the fact that at the same time Liz and Jason were finally about to be together for real after the show danced around the idea ofr a few years and then Courtney literally swooped in, pushed Liz out of the line and stole her spot

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There are so many reasons to hate Courtney, from her self-righteous, mob-pimping, hypocritical sense of entitlement to the actress's blinding lack of charisma with all but Billy Warlock. I certainly broke out the champers when Miss "Do as I say, not as I do" finally died of the Monkey Virus. Best thing Holly ever did.

I mean, look at this. Isn't this a face you want to slap?


God. Can't you watch where you're going?


It's your fault, Jax. For pushing me into an affair with Nikolas.



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Not to harp on about Kung Fu Barbie, but does anybody remember this priceless SL?


Hehe. Your wife is my hostage, Jason.






*still thinking*


Later, Court.


What? JASON?!!


Sorry, Courtney. He's outta here.

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