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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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JT definitely needs to hit the gym. I don't understand how these guys can be so thin and soo out of shape.

Those Ford brothers on OLTL turned my stomach. I found them artificial and repellent. The only guy I liked was Brody and I am not sure which regime hired him.

AlexElizabeth, apologize, you just made me throw up in my mouth A LOT. LOL!

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Todd's dog faced kid gets a tender scene with Trey, but his wife/girlfriend gets what? Can't wait to see Starr mourn while Krissy disappears for another month.

Raise your hand if you feel bad for Connie. I will say it again, had she shown an ounce of feelings for Trey when he was alive, I'd totally understand this chick at the hospital. Yes, the death of a loved one, who we might have treated poorly, can bring about emotions we didn't think existed, but Trey was not a loved one. Connie was around town trying to hump any guys who'd let her and cared nothing about Trey. NOTHING! Now, we are supposed to feel bad ? Sorry, in order for that to happen, I'm gonna need those 2 months of dialogue that hit the editing room floor to air. This is absolutely nuts! Man, I wish this cartoon was gone!

Johnny is really filthy right now, and it's beginning to bug me. Why hasn't he been allowed a change of clothes? They have plenty for inmates.

And please explain to me why Todd is in jail? At the most, he should be brought in for questioning AFTER Dante has spoken to Johnny's goons. Under arrest? Um, no!

Really enjoyed CarSam today!

Sabrina, Starr, Maxie and Spinnelli should all be set on fire!

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I cant believe Todd "confessed" based on Johnny saying his goons saw him. How lame! Todd would have and should have denied it until actual proof was presented. As it stands, all it is is hearsay and Johnny didnt offer up any new concrete information

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Exactly! The goons don't have any more information than the police had before. Johnny and Todd are sworn enemies, so the DA would need more than just the words of Johnny's goons. Ridiculous! Todd would never allow this to play out this way. Diane representing Johnny? Absolutely ridiculous! Not that I care to see her, but where in the sam hell is Alexis?!

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