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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I mean, I'm sitting here reading this thread and I just can't believe how incredible it is (yes, I'm STILL cautious about it all though! I'm 99.9% I refuse to give that 1% until I see something on my screen) that two soaps, cancelled, DEAD, are suddenly going to be rebooted online. When you just think about that fact, it really is pretty big.

Not necessarily new (Arrested Development) in theory but still ... it's huge.

I'm also pretty excited they're just going to be 30 (21 minutes? whatever) minutes. If you just watch all the episodes at once it's just a 2 1/2 hour movie, if that. So nice. Well, if you watch both, 4 hours, compared to 10 hours. And hopefully we'll end up having it be a decent "30" minutes instead of 39 minutes with 10 minutes of good material and 29 minutes of filler that a lot of us fast-forward through.

And yes, it's not proven yet, I know, I know .... who's to say it will even be successful long term but I do feel good about the ideas behind all of this. I think it's fantastic that SOMEONE is thinking outside of the box. Just because it's different doesn't make it bad ... but not everyone's going to love it, either.

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I know! Right!

I mean you can watch the whole first week and decide whether it's worth watching more. And you still haven't spent more time than all the bad movies you should have walked out of. I'm up for it. If it's PrettyLittleLiars meets VampireDiaries then I'm done. But until then, I'm so curious I cannot stand it.

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Time jumps are good because that leaves a lot of vacant time that the writers can bring forth down the road. Plenty of time for someone to have had an unknown baby, a drunken marriage, secret lovers in Center City, killed someone accidentally on a gambling trip to Sea City, etc. I'm all for it.

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