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Y&R SID - Character Snaps!

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The only thing worse than this twist? Chelsea deciding to have cosmetic surgery to look like Sharon. But, hey, MAB is gone, so that threat is off the table (thank God).

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Rewriting your character based on a previous soap is always questionable. There were reasons why Annie became popular, beyond being crazy - a lot of fans hated Ryan and hated Greenlee and hated Kendall, and were happy she joined in. There isn't that type of character at Y&R. She's more likely to be roadkill, especially since she has no chemistry with anyone on the show.

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There is a huge difference in Ryan and Adam, the public didn't hate Ryan... the boards did, the public actually loved him. Couple that with the fact that Cameron was a popular personality outside the show.

Now Adam, no one likes Adam and judging from every time Muhney is mentioned, disdain comes with, he doesn't seem to popluar either. And lets not act like Sharon is popular either.

Basically you have two characters people don't like, and one no one cares about. I actually think MCE can start to make people care about Chelsea with this storyline. The public loves their crazys, she sold it on AMC and I think she can do it again. And the leg up that Chelsea has on Annie is, there not rewriting her history. Annie was a stepford wife her first few years, miss goodie two-shoes and BORING. Then all of a sudden she had this terrible childhood (despite always saying it was good), a bad relationship with her father, and a crazy brother, and then she went cray cray. Chelsea hasn't had a good life, nor has she been exactly a good girl either. I don't think her going crazy is as farfetched as it was with Annie.

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Was there ever doubt Annie was going crazy facilitate to Shadam?

There ever never a doubt Annie was going crazy facilitate Shadam. Adam is popular and Sharon even more so. No one here likes MM but he has a lot of fans with a sizable fanbase, and SC is a vet. The writing in the past few years destroyed her character but Sharon remains popular. MCE does crazy well so we'll see if the writing will make her sympathetic. Usually when a regime starts telling you who you should root for with slanted writing the opposite tends to happen. At least it will make Chelsea interesting instead of playing the dutiful stepford wife she became. Hopefully it wont be her swan song but Chelsea is not needed.

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