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GH: November 2012 Discussion Thread

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I'll admit that you guys have me at a disadvantage because I don't know or remember most of the specifics, but AJ's actions were not that of a man who couldn't have his child. It was of a man who snapped due to his family severe dislike of him. AJ wanted the Qs love and acceptance and would have stood a good chance of getting at least partial custody if his family had backed him. Alan treated him poorly, but Monica outright hated the man. She pitted him against her husband's love-bastard every chance she got. Carly initiated the mess with AJ, but you just don't fly off the handle the way he did because of it. And a man who helps conceive a child during a drunken stupor? Okie dokie!

Nope because they don't cover her face!

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And how the Qs felt about AJ is completley irrelevant. When Carly was pregnant, AJ was away from the Quartermaines. He had enough of them and struck out on his own. They werent much of a factor until later when he finally found out the truth and they rallied around him to help him get custody. When Carly was pregnant, they were not in a bad position and he would have been a father to Michael, raising him with Carly. He wouldnt need to go to the Qs to try and usurp custody from her if she wanted to share him with her. They were friends and he wasnt in a good place with the Qs to care what they thought. Back in 1997/1998, he hadnt snapped. He was a for all intents and purposes, a decent human being. Dont let the way Guza wrote him out a few years back fool you on that

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Alrighty then. I'll have to concede on this one because my pre-Guza memory is faulty, and I did have quite a bit of that particular koolaide. However, AJ still did unspeakable things, so Carly starting it becomes irrelevant at some point because there was no excuse for some of his actions (no matter who the writer is if that is the direction they took AJ). Carly over-reacted the other day (see what happens when Jason is not around), but I think she's operating off of believing her son was dead in a ditch.

SK, still sucks, however.

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Re: Luke - while I still think that Ron has a long way to go in order to repair that character (well, as much repairing as he can do since showkiller Guza - along with TG - did everything in their power to obliterate the family-man-who-wouldn't-hesitate-to-bust-a-cap-in-anything/anyone-that-threatened-them Luke that I loved back in the 90s), I do commend him for taking the first step by writing Luke to actually give a damn about the only child that is still around. Ron's next step in fixing Luke/The Spencers, IMO, is to have Luke crawl on broken glass to earn back his only son, Lucky's, love and forgiveness that he squandered away (since I don't, for a second believe that that mushmouth Jack Sparrow wannabe should've existed in the first place, let alone be anyone's son).

Not only do we have an intelligent, beautiful, and rootable 40+ female character with longstanding history as a frontburner character, but she is the very reason why the PCPD is a lot more capable than it has been in well over a decade. Anna sending Chachi home because of his Sonny asslicking being a conflict of interest is something that would've never happened in the previous regime (especially not when they dumbed Mac down in order to elevate those three airtime-hogging assh0les). I shall also thank Cartini for that, as well as erasing the stench that was Anna's return a few years back when all she cared about was getting with Eli Love and telling her daughter that Patrick was the best that she'd ever do.

Speaking of those assh0les, I am happy to see that AJ is finally getting a point of view that falls right in line with what I know I saw all those years ago (as opposed to the bull that showkiller Guza was trying to sell). While the jury's out on whether Sonny and his Slagbeast will get their just desserts (as well as whether their list of righteous enemies will get to laugh in their faces as they are crawling in the slop that they deserve to live in) or whether AJ won't be set up to be thrown under the bus right again for those two, it sure is fun to hear the truth being told, Eeyore actually considering that the truth is, well, true, as well as seeing the Slagbeast get the piss slapped out of her. My only wish is that Robin was in Port Charles to see this unfold.

Speaking of Robin, I know it's wishful thinking for her to move on with Emma once she makes her triumphant return back to PC (as I never thought that Patrick was good enough for her). Nevertheless, I am glad that she is at the center of a storyline that reaches back to her (as well as the show's rich roots) - as this is the storyline that should've heralded her 2005 return instead of her coming back to PC to help revive that rotgut roided goiter (another jackass who I never thought was good enough for her).

Since you are preaching to the choir when it comes to my Faison, I'll simply cosign and add that his scenes with Duke were simply poetry in motion. I just hope that Ron actually exceeds my (admittedly low) expectations and builds this up to be a battle that is worthy of this show's history (Faison vs. Anna/Robert) instead of making the mistake that all about a lesser character (i.e.: Sonny).

I can't say that I'm back to watching full-time (because showkiller Guza, along with bootleg Janet Wood and the soap-killing overlord made damn sure that they succeeded in having me turn my back on this show), but I certainly have more clips to watch online now that that things are a lot better than they were when I left the show last July. However, I'm not at a point where I can fully trust Ron (due to the blunders that he's made on this show, as well as the fuckery that he penned on OLTL) yet, so I'll simply say that I am cautiously optimistic at the direction that this show is headed right now.

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