Members Wales2004 Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 I think we're talking about two different things. Clothing can be classified however people want to classify it. A hoodie is generally an article of comfortable clothing for some people yet, guys robbing convenience stores wear them and it becomes an article that causes suspicion. Does a racist need to use clothing as an excuse to kill a black man? I don't think so. It's kind of like telling me that a person who is racist against black people cares whether a person has light or dark skin, black is black to that person. Not to me though. It;'s logical to tell a woman if she cannot feed her baby then don't have one. I know that pregnancies are not always planned but it makes no sense to me to have a bunch of kids when you know you cannot feed them or if you are going to live in fear of their lives beyond the normal concern that parents have for their kid's safety. Having a child is a huge responsibility and it's not the same as wanting to move to a better neighborhood or make some material acquisition. I'm not going to have a child and constantly tell anyone who will listen that I am afraid for his life because it is too dangerous for him to grow up in America. If I think there is a safer better place to raise a child then I will do it. I'm not saying that anyone has to go anywhere but if you're going to complain about it every chance you get, then you'll eventually wear on someone's nerves. Racism may not be a huge factor in every nation, but crime and/or poverty may be. So if there is a better place to raise a child then a parent would want to do that. And I don't think anyone would want to have a child that he/she believed would be in imminent danger every day of his life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members marceline Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 And if you could feed your baby when you had it but a few years later lost your job or got bankrupted by an illness, then what? I think I'm going to exit this conversation because: 1.) you're talking about two different issues (whether or not to have a child vs. someone being afraid for her child's safety) and 2.) you've gone someplace really dark and ugly and I don't want to follow you into that hole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Eric83 Posted July 19, 2013 Author Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 I didn't say anyone had to leave. I've known families who've lived in gang infested neighborhoods. They wanted their kids to live in safer environments and those who got the chance moved and those who couldn't stayed and prayed for their child's or children's safety. Some tried to get their kids to place themselves in a position to be able to leave. I don't recall hearing them complain every day about how dangerous it was for their kids. They may have said it mow and then but not every day to anyone who would listen as if something would get fixed all on its own. It's not helping children to place them in constant fear by telling them that racism is the biggest challenge they have to face. They may have to face bullies, they may have to face perverts (including family members), hot stoves, bad electrical outlets.... There are not enough tears on earth for this kind of thinking. What do people often say about the serial killer/murderer living next door? He was a nice quiet man. If only he "dressed like a thug," everyone would have known what he was really doing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ReddFoxx Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 Never mind, not even really worth the response. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Eric83 Posted July 19, 2013 Author Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 Don't know what was here but I'm sure I would have been 100% in agreeance with it. Just ridiculous, crazy and ignorant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members marceline Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 At least George Zimmerman won't be getting his gun back just yet. Granted, he'll just get another but at least someone's making it a little harder for him to murder the next person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 Maybe you're right and I;m pure evil. Even though you won't read this, here is a little insight into why I see things differently. I was raped as a child ("molested" sugarcoats). I didn't understand what happened and why I was feeling certain things. During that time I was dodging bullets quite a bit. The cute boys who lived down the road were gang members. They brought a lot of "weekend action" around our "safe" neighborhood. I survived crossfire between them and their rivals and the police who were constantly looking for them. I could say Los Angeles is no place for little girls. Yet back then I felt my biggest problem was being teased for speaking properly. In order to find peace, I forced myself to "speak the way I am supposed to speak." Eventually, I grew a backbone and took a step towards marching to my own drum beat. There was a woman who lived near me who gave her public assistance money a to a cult leader. She'd walk around begging for money to feed her baby. I'm not talking about people like her who've lost their way or people who've fallen on hard times. She didn't have kids ithinking they would get her paid. Her life just happened to fall apart. The women I've heard complaining have more than decent incomes,resources and numerous options. They can hire nannies for their kids. My brand of evil doesn't relate to their anguish over how dangerous America is for black males. One of my nephews was stopped by law enforcement on his way home from school for "looking like a tagger." He was wearing a hoodie. jeans and carrying a backpack. We all had a moment and moved on. He quickly forgot about it and recently brought it up in passing, two years after the fact. I'm just not wired to complain a lot when I know so many people have it a whole lot worse than I ever did or ever will. But of course, I shouldn't knock anyone's feelings and I'm seriously going to work on that. This life still has a lot to teach me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alphanguy74 Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ThePrinceOfSunspear Posted July 19, 2013 Members Share Posted July 19, 2013 I'm sorry I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but your comments are just getting more and more ridiculous.... Like Eric said anyone who listened to the evidence in this trial knows that Trayvon Martin's race had SOMETHING to do with the events that happened that night. You pointing out this quote from Jimmy Carter is just pathetic and I don't see how it changes the essential fact that Zimmerman profiled him based on his race and the fact that he was wearing a hoodie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Eric83 Posted July 20, 2013 Author Members Share Posted July 20, 2013 Obama's speech today Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alphanguy74 Posted July 20, 2013 Members Share Posted July 20, 2013 Of course the events had something to do with his race. But here's the thing people can't seem to grasp, racially profiling someone is NOT against the law. But assualting someone because they are racially profiling you, IS AGAINST THE LAW. It's basically a teenager doing something stupid like they always do. Maybe what Zimmerman did (the following, not the shooting) was racially insensitive and politically incorrect, but it was NOT ILLEGAL. It appears that many people think it should be perfectly legal to beat the hell out of anyone who racially profiles you, but it's never going to happen. And your'e simply going to have to suck it up and deal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted July 20, 2013 Members Share Posted July 20, 2013 Law aside, Zimmerman deserved to get his face punched in for harassing this kid. The kid didn't know that the coward was a big man because he had a gun, that was Trayvon's only mistake, and I guess a consequence of living in a state where gun happy republicans make the laws. It's not illegal for me to just walk up to people and BZZZZ like a bee in their ear and say "what? I'm not touching you!" but it still will eventually lead to an altercation. Defending yourself from someone stalking you is not assaulting. This fake bullshit law of "if I feel threatened I have the right to shoot you" doesn't make Zimmerman in the right; it just makes him a coward who wanted to be a big shot but when the kid he was following fought back and defended his honor, his space, his privacy or whatever we want to call it when someone just says enough is enough, Zimmerman the punk went for his gun. Also, it should be legal in this case because Zimmerman is not a law enforcement official and while he can profile whoever he wants, he had no business acting on whatever his data and findings told him. And the fact his obnoxious douchebag brother went on CNN wondering what could provoke Treyvon to attack people sort of says what [!@#$%^&*] assholes the entire Zimmerman clan is and how not only did he deserve his face bashed against the ground, but his brother would greatly benefit from a matching experience. Maybe if someone had done this to Zimmerman years ago when he was just some pudgy kid with big ideas about being in authority he might have learned to live and let live and leave people alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members marceline Posted July 20, 2013 Members Share Posted July 20, 2013 There's not enough +1 in the world for this post. I just want Obama to make to the end of his term without getting shot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Eric83 Posted July 20, 2013 Author Members Share Posted July 20, 2013 After he made the speech someone tweeted Obama was the first racist president. I seriously looked at the computer for 5 minutes like Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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