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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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JoeJr isnt making sense. On Monday's show he goes off on Jerry bc he is about to release a deadly virus on the town to kill everyone but wont give Trey a vaccine yet on the next episode, he is still pushign Trey into this stupid wedding scheme.. Why not tel him to drop it and leave town BEFORE the Jerry goes forward with his plan? Why not he hightail it out of there himself? If Sonny dies via this virus, then he wont live long enough for this fake wedding to happen. Heck if Joe and Trey die as well, it really wont even matter. Seriously Joe...GTFO!

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Cheap, don't you remember:

"You have to stay away from Sonny, he's a very dangerous man...but seduce his daughter so we can infiltrate the organization"?

I just didn't think it got worse than that.

And I'm very disappointed in Jerry because I had hoped that Jr. would wake up only to find his throat missing, courtesy of Jerry Jacks. The man is slipping.

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I want Carly and Todd to have sexy time. That's what I'm waiting for.

Carly and Todd both need a second chance at a real love. I never bought into Carly and Jax as much as I did CarSon. And, Todd needs someone like Blair. Yet, slightly different. And, that would be Carly. They are perfect for each other.

As for GH as a whole right now. I'm really enjoying this virus storyline. I didn't see the Monkey Virus. I wasn't a viewer then. And, I love Jerry cause he's an insane mothershutyourmouth! And, he always has a crazy bag of tricks up his sleeve.

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Yes, since soaps are no longer into character development, just regression, it would make sense to put Todd and Carly together even after this Johny thing. Carly should not have been with Johnny, let alone Todd. A triangle between two killing rapists? Gee, how does a girl choose. And then there is Joss. Explain this to me? How does she have someone like Todd around her child after Johnny? But I suspect Jax is here to remedy that. He will be taking Casper with him when he leaves. Even if you get past Todd leading a gang rape all those years ago, Todd is lying to Carly and allowing Johnny near her child AND he has separated yet another mother from her child. This is not good soap because at least one of these characters makes no sense - Carly! How many chances at love does Todd get? His crush on Carly is cute, but more mileage would be had in making these 2 enemies once the truth is revealed, but lovers? Lazy lazy lazy!

Not untll he washes his hair, at least. It just looks so nasty!

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