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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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I just read Soap Uncensored and the list is in there. I don't wanna post it because it's subscription based so I'm not sure how that would work. I will say, the ABC actors and the younger set need to be most afraid. Apparently, they want to get rid of the newbies, backburn the vets and boost the next generation. Something similar to the Dallas reboot.

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I can live with the vets being backburnered as long as they're not phased out entirely. It's worked for B&B.

Victor, Nikki, Jack, Phyllis, Nick, Adam, Victoria, Kay, Jill, Paul, Michael and Neil need to stay in some capacity.

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Bill Bell wouldn't have had to worry about criticism from internet-savvy viewers, because what's true today was true when he still was alive and actively involved with the show: viewers crave consistency, period. And if you don't believe me, just look at how people practically sat up and applauded Y&R during the Kay Alden/David Shaughnessy regime, the last time (IMO) Y&R had its [!@#$%^&*] together.

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There were some issues with MTS and Sony (I think they've been resolved), but I think this is premature. I get her concern but all of the Y&R actors (and this board) have gone into instant crazy mode with all of these celebratory or panic-ridden tweets before the new regime has even stepped foot in the building.

It's all so unncessarily dramatic so early - from MAB's Farewell cruel world Facebook posts, to Kristoff's RT's to Sharon Case's jig dancing that MAB is gone. Just chill out people.

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