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Which Soap (Past or Present) is "Your" Soap?

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I know from reading many of these boards, there are several posters here who watch (or watched) more than one soap at a time. I have watched more than one soap at a time myself, but only briefly (my mom, who hasn't watched soaps herself since sometime before I was even born, didn't want me watching a bunch at one time). Of every soap you have watched, however, which is the one that you can say for certain is, without a doubt, YOUR soap? The one that will absolutely go down in your book as being your favorite?

Some, like me, make it pretty obvious through their screen names, and it has become easy for me to tell through what other posters have said to figure out which one is their favorite. Some, however, I find harder to figure out because they watch more than one at a time. So I was interested in finding out, straight from you guys, which soap, past or present, is, in fact, YOUR soap.

If you really feel that you need to have two or even a three-way tie, you can do that, but the trick is to name the one soap that is your all-time favorite.

Mine, in case you haven't guessed, is Y&R.


I still miss you, OLTL.


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GL is the show I always felt the strongest emotions towards, and the one I stayed with the longest, yet also felt disgusted by, as I was so protective of the characters.

ATWT is the show which most appealed to me on friendship, family, history, warmth, community spirit, continuity. They had such richly drawn, and yet human characters. I had more of an intellectual reaction to the show than the gut reaction I had to GL, which meant when the Marland years were gone, I just couldn't accept the changes. But I did keep going back and trying to enjoy other moments.

AW I felt an instant connection with and I still do today. It's the first soap I looked for tapes of, and all the rest.

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DAYS - No matter how bad it got, I don't think I've ever intentionally missed an episode. #2 would be Passions - also another soap that I never intentionally missed an episode.

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Days. I remember various random early 90's bits. Then i remeber watching Bo & Billie in LA and loving it. I would watch it daily with my GG (great grandma) instead of cartoon or kid shows. Between 1993 and 1997 id catch it when i could as a kid, but remember a lot stuff happening as that was once a week or so and all summer. In 1998 i learned how to set my VCR and started watching daily. I never missed an episode until around the middle/end of Hogan, that was awful and I couldnt watch it and was very sad about it. I picked it up again and loved it, even when it was awful, until 2011 and then its been on and off.

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AMC will always be not just MY soap, but my FAMILY's soap, maternal/paternal sides... however, the Lord saga of '90s OLTL made such a huge impression on me that OLTL became "my soap" almost in spite of myself in later years.

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Other than the obvious, ATWT was the show that stuck with me the most - probably because it was my mom's original soap. I always felt it got a bad rap for being so conservative and understated. There were others that mattered from time-to-time, like AW and DAYS through early to mid-1980s. ATWT cancellation announcement almost made me cry - it just felt like something that had been so constant in my life for years was gone. The #2 that replaced AW/DAYS was Y&R with an occasional glance at B&B for certain stories then I'd leave for two or even four years. Right now, B&B is the one, but I'm pretty sure it'll go on hiatus for me in the next few months, so that leaves Y&R (always the last one standing - for better or worse).

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Another World was my soap.

It's funny because I fell in love with it when during the Harding LeMay years, when I was just a young kid. After that, the show was bad as often as it was good. But the characters kept me watching through it all.

After that, it's Days, though I haven't really liked it since pre-Reilly.

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I'd probably say "Passions." It was just so wacky and I watched at the right age (I started when I was 14). I love Harmony and all of its insanity. That said, "One Life to Live" grabbed me a couple years ago and it took over my heart, too. So I'd say most likely PSNS but I feel like I was in a more mature emotional state watching OLTL if that makes sense. I watched DAYS and AMC too but they were not "my" soap.

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