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Y&R April Discussion

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I think something was lost in translation because the opposite of Angie is not necessarily equivalent to HOODRAT! I'm sickened by this character and her damn Ebonics! DM is trying too hard to be "street". I was looking forward to DM, but the name Harmony gave it away very quickly. Why not Shaniqua?! YoHarmony is just another reason to skip YR. I only watch the last segment now and the preview.



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Neil is lost period! KSJ has got to be one of the most sterile men in the history of soaps (VR carried him for far too long). He reminds me of Ben from ATWT (Pete Parros). At one point, ATWT had 4 black males on the show at the same time (a record for any soap). They began dropping like flies, and the only one left standing was Ben, the most boring of them all! I was livid! When soaps bring on black males, they make certain these guys have as little appeal as possible. ATWT shocked me, but it was not long before they let me down! Don't miss that damn show!

CK? I'm going to refrain for now...


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I'm hoping this means that he's going to be John Abbott, III.... unless Maria doesn't realize that Jack's real name is John Abbott, Jr. I didn't see yesterday's eppy where they named him. So I guess the legacy of John Abbotts will skip a generation since Billy was named after Bill Foster.

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It makes no difference, anyway, since we'll find out when/if Cameron Mathison or some other AMC veteran joins the show that he, and not Billy, is the baby's father.

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This was Wednesday's show but when Neil was telling Harmony about his spiraling out of control because of Dru's death, wasn't that actually the cause of Ryan's death and Malcolm's "death". I don't believe he started drinking after Dru died right? Another forgotten part of Neil's history Maria?

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