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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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He didn't exactly go on a blue streak. He was much more restrained than on previous returns. I think the only reason anyone had any objection to his criticisms this time is because he was (mildly) criticizing "Cartini."

As for Robin being alive, not much of a surprise. I imagine there will be a lot of talk that the weak followup of her death and the piss-poor funeral are fine because hey, she's not dead after all.

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I agree. Robert's return was horribly done. As was Holly's and as is Anna's by having her spend all her time with Luke. WHy isn't she spending time grieving with Mac? Sharing stories about Robin.It's so odd to not be spending time with family after a ddeath in the family!

And Tea's memorial before she "died" was better than Robin's!

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Agreed! Because it's the two headed clown, Cartini, the horrible writing is ok. Nothing compensates for the botched returns of Robert and Holly and that zoo masquerading as a funeral. No one knows Robin is alive, so EVERYONE should have been at her funeral. I hate when people complain that the writers give crap, but when it's the crap they like, it's ok. That burns me! Horsechit is just that - horsechit!


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I agree, but he came back under a different writer/EP, so TR has a right to be scratching his head. Yeah, many of us knew that Valentini and his Boo, Ron, were the blights of Daytime, but how was TR to know? Now, if he returns after this, he loses all credibility.


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yeah that was the point. Tea's "death" was what got me to watch OLTL again as I wanted to tune in to see her final weeks

yeah they need to STFU too

The Nurse Ball Return!

yeah but like Soapboy said, wouldnt he ask what he was coming back to, what script he would be playing? Its not like he signed a contract and could have said adios and left when he saw what they were giving him

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Maybe they wouldn't tell him what he was supposed to play? And the last hting any actor wants to do is walk off set. No matter how difficult an actor can be walking off set is a sure way to ruin your rep and make people not want to hire you. It's why I laughed when I read that crap baout KMC and JT threatening to walk off set when Lisa was running around using Hiv blood as a weapon because I knew neither would do it being sued aside just the fact that people don't want to work with you if they know you'll walk about and quit if you don't like the script.

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