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Joan Rivers vs. Chelsea Handler


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Joan mentioned coming up to Chelsea at a party and actually being congratulatory (which Joan doesn't often do to ANYONE), and Chelsea being a total bitch to her and ignoring her. Joan more than had her reasons for verbally attacking Chelsea. It's not within her style of keep quiet and not retaliate against people like that.

Joan has no reason to lie about this.

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That story may be true, but that was recently. I can remember as far back as 2008/2009 hearing that Joan was talking [!@#$%^&*] about Chelsea Handler. Chelsea has no reason to be nice to her. Joan may have been congratulatory at one party, but she's been hating on Chelsea for years. Chelsea doesn't owe her anything. She's plenty successful, as a late night talk-show host/comedienne (an area Joan paved the way for), but also has a rising career as an actress. There doesn't need to be some undying loyalty, especially when Joan is a bitch about it.

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Was it recently though? Joan never gave a time frame, it could have easily happened a few years ago and be the reason why Joan doesn't think highly of her all along.

Chelsea is a comedian who makes a living making fun of other people. It seems when people do the same to her and talk sh!t about her, she takes it very personally. Joan does too sometimes.

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I thought I read it was recently, maybe I'm wrong.

As for Chelsea taking it personally, I don't get that impression at all. She pokes fun at herself all the time, even having Jen Aniston, who everyone knows is her friend, come on her "After Lately" show and basically say that Chelsea is an obnoxious, fake bitch. That's what I love about Chelsea - she doesn't take herself seriously and knows there's plenty about her to make fun of, and she doesn't get defensive. Joan does.

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I just thought the guy was honestly trying to horse around with her in her own arena. If I were Joan and DID take it seriously, I wouldn't have reacted like that. I would have just laughed it off. I mean, the woman makes a LIVING out of ridiculing people, they guy just thought it might be fun to trade barbs, obviously.

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Chelsea has admitted to sleeping with the E! guy and stuff.

Joan just comes across as bitter and jealous. At one time she had a voice and a platform that some paid attention to, and now none really.

It'll be amusing when Joan is fired from that E! show she does and Chelsea still has two shows on.

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Which is fictional.

Chelsea Handler takes herself deadly seriously. So does Joan Rivers. The difference between the two is that Joan has had a 50+ year career and Chelsea is a flash in the pan. You mark my words in 10 years she won't be a memory. Joan Rivers will be a legend.

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Show me quotes, show me proof of Joan starting this.

That's the problem with youth, they don't respect their elders at all. No sense of honour at all.

Chelsea owes Joan respect. Chelsea absolutely owes Joan deference. Joan Rivers paved the way and kicked in the doors when nobody else could.

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whats your point? I think you missed Soapboy's in that she makes herself the butt of the jokes on her fictional show and she regularly has her own staff dispresecting her for laughs such as Chuy and Loni Love constantly calling her a stupid bitch on Chelsea Lately. She doesnt get angry or upset ith them but often times ends up laughing when she's insulted. She doesnt take that stuff serious

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This! Thanks for getting my point across Cheap. That's exactly what I meant. It's so obvious that many celebrities take themselves very seriously - I see no evidence that Chelsea Handler is one of them. I think she know there's plenty about her to judge, and she's usually the first to do so.

The idea that Chelsea owes Joan some undying respect, and that Joan should be some untouchable figure in the celebrity world is plain ridiculous to me. I'm very much for respecting your elders but come on.

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Joan Rivers congratulated Handler at a Comcast Party, Handler ignored her. Then Handle sat directly across from Melissa Rivers and repeatedly ignored her. Kelly Osbourne spoke to Melissa Rivers about how odd it was.

Chelsea doesn't need to worship Joan Rivers. But she could have been silent and not said "f-ck Joan Rivers!"...absolutely no class and no respect.

Everything you see on television is highly calculated. That goes for every celebrity. Handler is no different, she's easy going and the butt of the joke when she wants to be. But then Joan Rivers rattles her and she doesn't laugh.

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He was asking for it. He picked the wrong one. It's all about tone and I could sense his nasty tone the moment he said that, that was not "all in good fun". And for the co-anchor to act all indignant, bitch, stand up and sitcherass back down again. Joan shouldn't have cussed on air, but like the snake said after he bit the man who saved him from the snow, "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up."

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