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The Madonna Thread


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I hate it. I admit, she LOOKS good, and dang, if someone didn't beat me to the Toni Basil comparison! LOL I don't mind light dance music, but this is far too techno, and her voice is WAY overprocessed. It certainly doesn't have the infectious hook of "Express Yourself", and the cheerleaders make it SO age inappropriate. Not that I think she should be doing syrupy standards.... Granted, Cher's "Believe" was heavily processed... but at that time, that kind of thing was not stale and overdone...and Cher is also a better singer to begin with. I'm not sure what Madonna needs, but it certainly ain't this!

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I guess to show what I'm talking about, there is a fine line between an older artist updating their sound, but still remaining true to their style... and an older artist trying to be too trendy, and doing things that aren't age appopriate. This is the kind of thing that workd for an older female artist, IMO:

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Madonna has nothing left to prove but what makes her look insecure and desperate is that she, in my opinion, appears desperate to stay relevant - not only to us who grew up with her but to kids today. Despite criticisms, a bad live voice and bad choices, she will go down as one of the most original, innovative and biggest stars in the industry. She's had amazing longevity. She can chill. She's proven her sh!t. I'm not gonna hate on her for it though, out of her generation of singing superstars she remains one of the more well-adjusted. There's nothing wrong with never ending ambition either.<iframe


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I don't know about hating, but I see some have a problem with the music she is doing at her age. I mean it's catchy and fun, she really doesn't need to do anything to remain relevant she has a huge international fanbase. I think she just does these songs like with Justin Timberlake and Nicki Minaj to get at least one hit from each album in the US.

Does anyone know how many albums she has to make with Interscope?

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SB, I love Madonna, but...

Dressing half naked at 53, leaning so much on co-stars on videos, putting her voice through a machine to try to have a new hit makes her seem desperate to become more relevant among younger music fans of today. The fans that adore Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Beyonce right now. Again, you're Madonna, you're already extremely relevant in pop culture and you will be forever (you have your place, you earned your place) - you don't need to try so hard to mark places.

I think that's exactly what she does.

I will agree that Madonna has always been out of the box and over the top in terms of selling her sexuality but I feel she knows better now. I feel she is just continuing to show it so much out of desperation.

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