Members AllMyDaysatGH Posted February 4, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 4, 2012 ITA. I actually fast forwarded to the credits to see who wrote the episode because I was so impressed. I thought it was Michelle Val Jean, fantastic job by Mulcahey though. That was deep stuff. Thanks for re-posting it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 Conversations like Ridge and Taylor's drive me nuts. They've painted Steffi as the victim in all this, completely ignoring what they do know of Steffi's lies. Then they both go out of their way to paint Brooke as "delusional" and "overprotective". Not ONCE have either of them called Steffi out on her actions, which went way beyond simply falling for her stepsister's fiancee. Yet Hope is a homewrecker for doing little more than breathing the same air with a married man. UGH! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 That's one of the reasons it's always been tough for me to really see Steffi as someone who pays any price for her schemes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 Thats not true. Its not often but Taylor went off on her when she found out that she and Bill were serious this past summer. Taylor flat out called her the other woman and vehemently opposed her being with a married man. Ridge was all about blaming Bill, but Taylor held Steffy accountable for that as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 That one time Taylor spoke up was about Bill, not Liam. Taylor and Ridge jumped on the "let's let Steffi and Liam be friends since he saved her life, Hope," train the minute he pulled their baby out of the bathwater. Hope was painted as unreasonable from minute one, in spite of their history and Steffi's clear fixation on her "savior". It's ridiculous...Liam practically apologizes to the bitch, knowing she's lied her ass off to him, and Taylor and Ridge are completely clueless about her duplicity. I bet they never find out she covered for Bill's lies either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members lovely_m Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 Did they ever find out how she got Forrester back from Bill? I'm sure they don't care. Sorry for asking this question a year later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 6, 2012 Members Share Posted February 6, 2012 Yes they did ad no they didnt care. Ridge didnt like that she felt she had to resort to that but ultimately he was proud of her for fighting for their company and getting it back for them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 7, 2012 Members Share Posted February 7, 2012 If Ridge and Taylor found out Steffi blackmailed Bill by taking Katie's wedding ring (or whatever that preposterous plot point was), it's news to me. I thought Stephanie got the full story from Steffi, but otherwise all I thought Steffi did was double talk her way around any questions her family asked, not that they really cared. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 7, 2012 Members Share Posted February 7, 2012 Brooke is the one that spilled on Steffy. I wasnt able to find the actual scenes but you can see small snippets of it in this preview Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 7, 2012 Members Share Posted February 7, 2012 all Brookie's done in the last four years is bang Ollie accidently and narc on Steffi every six months? Figures. What's hilarious is that Brooke is always right, and Taylor and Ridge always give her constipated looks of outrage every time she dares suggest their precious daughter has done something underhanded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 7, 2012 Members Share Posted February 7, 2012 I guess I'm just too used to the P&G model, wherein a character's parents (or friend/role model) would support their crazy-assed ways until it all fell apart...then they'd figuratively slap them across the face, shake a finger, patiently (or not) yell "kiddo, snap out of it!" and give them a come to jesus moment. Taylor drives me crazy. She starts the preamble of a "come to jesus", then turns on a dime the second Steffi backtracks. Ridge at least blusters and then acknowledges some of the truth of the situation. Taylor acts as if Liam had dated her daughter for months instead of days before he married her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cat Posted February 8, 2012 Members Share Posted February 8, 2012 I'm DONE with this rehashing of the Steffy/Liam/Hope clusterfuck. Like, done weeks ago. We need some new stories and character rotation. Liam/Hope are on a cloud of Perfect Happy Boringness and let's just leave them there to float amongst the unicorns and fairies, shall we? Steffy being deluded and all "I'll wait until Liam wakes up and realizes I'm his One True Wuv" is just... wrong. Wrong and boring to watch. I've been there, I'm sure many of us have, but at least I had somebody to smack me upside the head and say "What's wrong with you? It's over. You need to work on holding on to your dignity and finding somebody who actually cares for you." How on EARTH did Taylor and Ridge not say anything to their daughter about her delusions is beyond me. Instead, Taylor went to ream out Liam for not perpetuating those very same delusions. "You need to work harder on your relationship." WHAT relationship, you quack? He's not in love with Steffy, he's in love with somebody else. Oh, and let's never mention the word "gondola" again, B&B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 8, 2012 Members Share Posted February 8, 2012 I was begging Liam to throw the word gondola in Steffy's face as she blathered on about their impulsive wedding. Ridge and Taylor have a huge blind spot when it comes to Steffy. While they're her parents, it still makes them look idiotic when they expect absolutely everyone to treat her like some china doll who needs to be coddled and indulged when she makes a "mistake". If B&B were any other show, it would be impossible to move this story to the backburner. But B&B is a master of simply dropping their "A" story and pulling something out of their asses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members VirginiaHamilton Posted February 8, 2012 Members Share Posted February 8, 2012 My sentiments exactly. I was hoping that this would bring Steffy's claws back, but so far, no cigar.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SFK Posted February 8, 2012 Members Share Posted February 8, 2012 She had that pretty darn good speech today and then she totally threw away her power by telling Liam she'd be waiting for him and he could come back to her when he was bored with Hope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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