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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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I took that to mean that she may have helped PP with their Original Proposal for The unions on their plan to produce the shows. Remember Waly Willey said the casts were given Proposals to look at and give feedback on. This was mid-August so maybe thats what Cady was speaking of. I know from an AFTRA article back in October On this site that AFTRA said it was keeping the casts informed of negoiations though

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Hon, you've done something nobody on this board has ever done. You have wore. me. the hell. out. I just don't get how you just keep on believing in this company. They didn't even have the decency to tell the actors who signed that they were giving up on the shows. Maybe there wasn't any point in continuing contract talks, (I disagree with that by the way) but the way they broke them off was disgusting.

PP is like Herman Cain and more women just keep coming out saying, "This dude is a sex fiend." Sorry I've heard enough. I heard enough when Susan Lucci served them a plate of STFU.

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The thing is John, PP could have been sitting on millions, but without the union contracts worked out to their and the unions' satisfaction, they ran the risk of losing all of the talent already associated with AMC and OLTL. These folks were not going to ditch their unions to sign up for this venture. Plus, PP would have been unable to secure new union talent to fill out the cast and crew. The only alternative was a bunch on non-union talent which frankly means a bunch of unbankable newbie names in front of the camera, and unproven staff behind the scenes. That has no bearing on talent, necessarily, look at some of the better web soaps (uh, keep looking), but I think PP had much bigger and more lucrative things in mind.

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No one needs to know any of that IMO. Cady McClain was right. Who goes into a venture this big without doing their due dilligence. Who watching a soap as Jeff K claimed to(which I never believed) would think producing a soap would involve what Judge Judy would.No one with a brain. And these were people experienced in producing TV shows or so I have been told. Experienced producers and Hollywood execs. You can keep your pollyanna view of them but IMO they are no better than any of the poorly run businesses in this country who are only interested in making a buck and squeezing workers to achieve it.

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I agree with you on that Actors werent gonna abandon AFTRA and PP cant Make AMC Or OLTL non union since they are signatory shows to AFTRA. Im saying that If PP did not have the money, I would have concentrated on that and not the unions because without the dollars to produce, finalized union deals mean nothing.

Although there were posters on other boards saying the actors and shows shoulda left AFTRA so tthey could continue without a hassle but that wont ever happen

Also PP was way over their heads becaus they didnt understand the time it takes to produce daily dramas

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Why? What does that solve? How does that change anything. The cost was still tons more than they expected. No. They should have done what any smart company would have done. Researched the shows and found out what was involved before making a deal. The shows are not as we have heard by MANY MANY MANY people modeled or viable as they are now. These were not thriving shows that were on the cusp of some new trend. They were old dated shows that needed someone with vision and interest in sustaining them in the 21st century to revive them.

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