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AMC - Wednesday - September 21, 2011

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Did Joe and Ruth say they were returning to Pine Valley? (I don't know, I couldn't watch today.) If so, I think you have your answer (unless Ray MacDonnell and/or Lee Meriwether decide to relocate and rejoin AMC 2.0).

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I was literally on the edge of my seat transfixed to the TV the entire episode. What a great feeling after yesterday's episode.

VERY impressed they brought MEK in after everything had shut down at the studio to have him say his bit about Mary Fickett. They could have just done the screen shot, and they had every excuse to just do the screen shot, but they didn't.

Ray MacDonnell looks so much better without those glasses.

I hate that Eva La Rue was willing to do much more than they ended up giving her to do with her returns.

I hope that Stuart looks more Stuart-y tomorrow. That final shot would have been just that much better for me if David Canary's hair had been messed up Stuart-style. And I hope David Canary finds his Stuart groove (assuming Stuart gets any lines). There were some strange performances in 2009 and 2010 (e.g. Stuart in heaven with JR, Stuart appearing to Kendall) where DC was off...basically playing Adam in an argyle sweater... and DC admitted in an interview that he had trouble playing Stuart after he was killed and wasn't happy with those performances. IIRC he nailed it in the last Adam/Stuart scenes before his retirement though.

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Another possibility? Again, barring any last-minute changes, Angie could be the one to bite JR's bullet. Again, though, that's speculation. I mean, Darnell, Debbi, MEK and Cady could all decide not to stick around, and we'll be left wondering how JR managed to off four people with one shot.

Frankly, I don't think this cliffhanger is big enough. This is predicated on the hope that most everyone, save one, will agree to come back. But what if PP is about to have a mass exodus on its hands? How will you explain so many actors/characters not being around (unless you have a MAJOR, "Desperate Housewives"-esque leap forward in time)? That's why (IMO) JR needed to set off a bomb, not just pull out his gun.

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I think we'll only be let in on one death for sure by 2 pm on Friday.

I'm envisioning the episode ending with everyone on the ground from either being shot or from dropping to the ground to avoid being shot.

PP AMC 2.0 will decide who was killed at a later date.

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