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AMC: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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This idea that they are trashing JR this way because JY is not coming to PP gives me less confidence that these people at PP know what the hell they are doing. IN what world is an actor bigger than a role. I get that on soaps viewers embrace the actors as much as the character but if soaps thought this way for years we'd have lost a bunch of great characters with history in the process. If we were talking about Erica Kane or long term vets who are really senseless to recast I would get it. JR while JY is great is still a relatively young man and could be a romantic lead for any number of ladies on this show. I said before with a recast it gives them a real chance to alter the character. I never bought JY's JR as a patriarcal type, perhaps another actor in the role could be. THe short sightedness here is disturbing. Sure there are a lot of characters they could bring back but this is basically killing the character off for good. There is no possible way to resurrenct JR and make him any kind of viable character on this show.

I had so much resentment over what the folks at GH did to the Quartermaine family especially AJ with all the complexities and layers that character had, they basically turned him from the black sheep of the family always forlorn and feeling sorry for himself into a sociopath willing to kill his father to get what he wanted. I am actually not so much angry but disappointed that Broderick and Nixon would go down this path. I can't even say how interested I am anymore in PP after this and some of the other announcements,

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I hope you're wrong about that but now that you put it like that - I can't rule out the possibility because that's where you go when there's no Adam and if they follow through with either a homicidal or suicidal JR.

I definitely wanted JR in 2.0 and think the character is valuable in 2.0 if you want to keep the families that made AMC for 4 decades. I like JY but I've always wondered where JR could go if he looked like he could pass with some of the older women and looked older, if he was a bit taller and just generally more self-possessed. JY, who has improved so much, has always come off like such a lost kid, and at other times a brat.

Skin, I disagree. When JR is angry or confronting a woman, he definitely gives off Michael Cambias vibes, but when he's not in those moments he looks completely wounded. Even if I'm not getting the why's or the extremes, I can feel he's hurting bad inside. I think VI is an extremely talented actor, but when the writing is one-note for David, I don't personally feel VI adds much to it. When he gets the layers on those rare occasions, he's absolutely brilliant and can kill any actor on the show in his skills. I rarely ever got wounded from Michael Cambias (Will Devry). I know he was, but he always came off to me like a lost cause who was just going to get worst and worst.

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I don't think the problem is making JR viable - it could probably be done. The real question is whether what they've done with the character over the years makes him worth carrying over. They've struggled for a long time with what to do with JR - I can't count the number of people they've had him end up harming in some way, and aside from Annie, the character hasn't ever really had a popular relationship. With the depletion of the Chandlers I don't know. I think the family just needs to say goodbye.

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Please....no one believes that even if that might be what AMC wanted to sell.

JR can scream from the roof top he loves Marissa and I will never buy it for so many reasons. I'll go with wounded ego which makes the most sense.

JR loved one woman and one woman only....I don't like it but that's the the way it is.

ETA: I'm also in the camp of AMC doing this because JY decided to leave. Like I've posted in different threads, JY's comments at the fan events where very much filled with hope for JR getting a happy ending and that's all he wanted for the character, some peace and in my opinion, he seemed to believe that's what he was getting with AH returning.

I would like to believe that AMC loves JY so much they can't immagine the character of JR continuing on...but I think the reality is they are just being spiteful pricks who are shooting themselves in the foot and they don't even realize it.

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I feel like most of the characters have very irritating qualities, most of all hypocrisy and self-righteousness. The list goes on and on...Zendall, Rylee, Griffin, Tad, Jake, Erica, Marissa, Jesse, Krystho, David, and even Opal and Bianca at times. That's like literally half the cast. And the ones that are left, such as Randi, Madison, Scott, Brot, Colby, Asher...I mean, how useless and unmemorable are they? (Though I do love some of them haha).

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Thats true to a great extent. IMaybe its time to just say the Chandlers have run their course.. I don't care about Colby or Scott to be honest I dont even see either character at this point worth bringing over with no one else on canvas.. Cosgrove does nothing for me in the character not that the prior actor did either . I just see a lot of smirking.

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Scott is just a pointless character and always has been. The last time I liked him was when they first aged him, with Shane McDermott.

I do agree that if PP did this deliberately, it's tacky, and unfair, but it's just the exclamation point on over a decade of decline. AMC let the Chandler family die. It died long before David Canary left.

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I have to agree that I have always found JY's villainous acting choices OTT, and I've wondered if he was actually trying to ape his onscreen dad because I can definitely see a resemblance to DC's blustery style (which, y'know, actually works for DC).

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Just read in the SOD/SOW AMC interview with Jacob that David always told him to put everything into his acting and David acknowledged sometimes it was OTT...but somehow, it always worked. So yes, I think that's exactly what happened. Ironic you brought that up since I just read that haha.

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