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Yeah, GH really has the tendency to bring in random people when they have a wealth of characters to choose from in their history.  I get they don't want to be Days where everyone is related, but why not Sly instead of Zander?  Why couldn't Esme be Lila Rae instead?  Cooper Barrett was literally not related to the Barretts and could have easily been Brenda/Julia's brother or Julia's son.  There are so many characters that could easily slip into roles, but instead we have ME and RH playing multiple roles.

Lol!  I can't tell Willow and Sasha apart either.  They obviously look nothing alike, but are like the same character.  I think Chase does have potential to be interesting and that's more than I can say for most of those randos. 

Or you know Lucy's other daughter lol

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I liked Zander fine back in the day. I thought he was wasted. (Incidentally, Chad looked extremely good in his ghostly appearance earlier last year and despite his politics I could be open to a Witness Protection undead Zander deal to stir things up with the women in that age range, just saying. Zander was always a bit of chaos.)

There are plenty of young people from the show's past to bring on, including Serena and Christina, and they're not all related. Tom Hardy Jr. is another and is Black. Annie Donely. A slew of Wards or potential Wards. It's an embarrassment of riches they don't tap.

Edited by Vee
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I agree about Julia and Sly.  And I remember thinking that during Valentini’s OLTL too- so many characters just not tied to anyone I would consider core.  And a plethora of characters that could have been  tied seamlessly to earlier, more iconic periods of the show.  And yet they never went there.

Edited by titan1978
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That whole teen to 30s scene- outside of Trina, Spencer, and Brooklynn- is a dud to me and I'd get rid of or recast all of them. That includes Maxie and Michael, both of whom need LONG breaks. I'd bring Michael back as a recast in a few months but Maxie needs a years long break. That she has three kids and two dead baby daddies is obscene.

Like it's been mentioned, there's heaps of untapped potential out there that the audience knows about and would accept and they do nothing with any of it.

It's been so long I wouldn't mind them trying another around of Liz's brother even. Sarah I think is basically a lost cause at this point, but I think they could do something with Steve.

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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OLTL hewed pretty close to its history ensemble-wise IMO, with the exception of the Ford influx and too much Rex/Gigi. There could always have been more but it's not like GH now to me.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd bring back Sarah as Gina Tognoni with an entire family, a husband (on the rocks) and a couple kids. The way the British soaps do sometimes with new characters/families. That's bold and rarely done over here with American soaps, for good reason (Monty did it with the Eckerts in fact, and look how that turned out!), but it would have a long-term story purpose to deconstruct and I'd ultimately aim her at Cameron Mathison's Drew the WSB agent probably. It would also be done in part to juxtapose her seemingly perfect personal and professional life with sister Liz, who got knocked up young from a ONS and left her dreams behind to be a nurse. Anyway.

It's insane. Both Maxie and Kirsten need to be gone for years, and her kids need to be split up between Spinelli and Mac/Felicia. That is the reality of who Maxie is, ugly or not. Michael also needs to be gone a little while. I'd make Charlotte not Lulu's daughter too. And nuke Valentin. Don't get me started on the rest lol. I do think Cameron works fine, but Joss needs to be recast and then de-emphasized for a bit.

Edited by Vee
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I think Chad should be put back in Sonny’s business orbit. I always loved Michael trying to be part of Sonny’s business and him saying no. I still hope that Michael will take over Corinthos. So many story possibilities and Chad can play that!

i loved KS as Belle on Days and loved her so much on GH as Maxie! But I’m over her portrayal in that role. I wish Molly Burnett would’ve been kept as Maxie. She felt fresh. 

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I have a hard time buying Chad/Michael all up in Sonny's business.  I don't think he plays tough or even savvy very well, but he needs to do something different.  I would say recast just because CD has a really hard time creating chemistry with love interests as well.  Would GH ever do that though unless CD decided to leave?  He's been playing the role for over a decade now.

I see I found the other Molly Burnett fan on this board lol!  I love MB and would take her as Maxie, but I liked Jen Lilley as Maxie too so I don't if I have bad taste or just really dislke KS.

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KS as Maxie is such a strange case.  She was great as a new Lucy- a mild schemer with a somewhat bitchy personality.  She fit in well with JMB’s Lulu working for Kate and sniping at each other.  And then as they slowly dismantled/killed off  every other woman on the show her age, she got stuck with all the stereotypical heroine stories.  And it just does not suit her and was a waste of the fun they could have been having with Maxie.  And now she is being forced to try to make RH’s new character work.  Yuck.

There were times I felt an entire episode went by and other than maybe Starr and Cole, all I saw were the likes of Fords or Rex/Gigi or McBain or all of the above and nobody that was OLTL to me.  But I will admit that I felt even the Ford brothers were more successful than these GH characters.  I know some of that was Frons.

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Yeah.  That's really it in a nutshell.  None of these Maxie stories really play to KS's strengths.  She's playing these heroine stories when she works much better as quirky.  Spixie was probably the last time I enjoyed her.  I am not saying Spixie was awesome, but it was something different.   KS herself looks tired and not particularly into either.   And so many children.  Maxie is someone who I think could work without children.

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I swear I was so upset when KS was back and Molly was gone.
i enjoyed the Summer of 2016 on GH with the Cassadine Island Adventure with features Laura/Kevin on the front burner with Nikolas,Ava,Valentin, Dante and Lulu! And Maxie, Claudette (what the hell is that name ? Lmao) and Nathan! 

i think it’s not that u have a bad taste or anything. I think KS gets storys that are not really suited for her. She seems so over her character kinda like Tyler (Nikolas) back then.

i think Molly brought something fresh to the table. She even had chemistry with Nathan and was more suited for the Claudette story.

Maxie/Peter story felt so wrong on so many levels and KS got so on my nerves and made me start to appreciate Wes (Peter).. he should’ve taken her with him and never come back lmao

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