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Somewhere along the way, I changed.   I think it was Cindi Rinehart doing recaps on TV. I realized I could hear her recaps and it was quicker than me watching an entire episode.  Then I heard her occasionally giving spoilerish hints maybe?  And at some point later, I discovered recaps online.  And then spoilers online.  Then the librarian-researcher-aspect of my brain kicked in and I became an analytical viewer obsessed with facts, details, spoilers, etc.

Yet somehow I've always held myself to "no-spoilers" for all Star Trek series.  I appreciate the magic and wonder there!
I think because Star Trek series (usually) uplift me, whereas soaps (sadly) just pass the time for me?

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In my case, I just happened to be home when my mother or sister were watching, but one thing that intrigues me when I read boards like this one is how frequently posters mention how bored they are with the shows they watch.  I can recall, when watching GH, if one of the nurse characters recently wed, my mother would say, when the phone rang at the seventh floor nurse's station, "Now watch this!  When she answers the phone, she is going to use her new married name!"

And speaking of weddings, those were always must-see t.v. for my mother.  Her favorite wedding was Lucille's to Al Weeks.  Lucille hounded Steve to sing "Oh Promise Me" at her wedding, and he did!

I think today,all this would incite yawns.





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Actually I remember a nurses station phonecall in the past year or two.  After actress Sonya Eddy died and GH eventually wrote her character Epiphany as having died.  And there was a phonecall that Elizabeth had to answer at the nurses station afterwards.  And another time after Elizabeth became the new Head Nurse that replaced Epiphany.  It wasn't what Elizabeth said at those times, it was the poignancy of the moment that was tangible when she answered the phone.  I could feel it.  It was doubly felt because we knew that both actress and character Becky and Elizabeth were feeling it about Sonya and Epiphany - and we did too.  She was answering the phone as Head Nurse, but it felt so deep to me.

And in my mind I could remember Jessie Brewer answering the phone.  And just typing this has me crying!

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I regret missing the poignant phone call scene described above.  Becky Herbst has really grown as an actress and loyal viewers appreciate both her skill and onam  screen presence.  More knowledgeable posters here have covered whether past and former EP's and crew have given her her due, so I won't bother to comment on that here.  Does anyone know who all the Head Nurses were since the beginning?  I seem to remember Amy mentioning and dreading a "Nurse Strickland" after Emily McLaughlin's passing, but how long did she last?  Five minutes?  I know I never saw her.

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YouTube came though. I just found an episode from July 1980, and Scotty is on trial for the death of Luke Spencer. Lee is defending him, and they think Luke drowned when Scotty punched him off the yacht.

This episode also had credits, JB, EM, Denise Alexander, then Rachel Ames. So Lesley was credited higher than Audrey, even though Audrey has been there longer.

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January 1975:

Wednesday, January 1, 1975: Henry receives a letter from Mai-Lin saying she won’t be returning to America for a long time, if ever.  Dan and Molly Oberlin arrive at the free clinic; Molly is in labor; Joel is relieved when Henry arrives, asking him when is the last time he delivered a baby; Henry tells Joel that Molly is expecting twins.  Audrey tells Jim that she thinks he is using Phil’s murder as an excuse not to face up to his own problems.  Molly gives birth; she names the girl twin after Jane, who assisted in the delivery.

Thursday, January 2: Chase and Ross reviews the suspects in the Brewer case.  Jessie can see through Lesley’s happiness with Joel; she knows Lesley is looking for something more permanent.  Peter learns from Jim that Augusta asked for a doctor in another town who would perform an abortion for a friend of hers.  Ross questions Jessie; when Lee comes in he is defensive of Jessie.

Friday, January 3: Ross learns that the lab has found a set of fingerprints from the seventh floor that matches the prints on the murder weapon.  Jim is so preoccupied trying to remember something that happened on the night of the murder that he forgets his and Audrey’s anniversary.  Diana finds a note with the name of a doctor that Peter is going to see - out of town.  Joel tells Lesley he loves her.  Kira arrives at the hospital and shocks Lucille and Jane when she announces an arrest in Phil’s murder is imminent.  Chase and Ross are given the results of the fingerprint match; they have identified the murderer.

Monday, January 6: Lesley tells Joel how much she loves him.  Kira overhears Jessie refusing medical care from her doctor.  Ross and Lt. Todd locate their suspect.  Jim and Audrey argue. Ross arrests Jessie for Phil’s murder.

Tuesday, January 7: Jane, Lucille and Diana try to reassure Jessie as she is taken from the hospital.  Kira tries to get a statement, but Jessie refuses; Kira arranges to have a film crew at the jail when Jessie arrives.  Audrey is devastated when Jim tells her about the arrest. Jessie is booked and put into jail.  Kira goes to see Dr. Thompson and learns Jessie’s health is not good.

Wednesday, January 8: When Cameron says that he can’t believe Jessie could commit murder, Joel annoys Lesley by pointing out that Cameron doesn’t know all the circumstances. Jessie’s cell mate tries to carry on a conversation and fails.  Chase tries to talk Ross into getting a confession from Jessie.  Lesley and Joel visit Jessie.  Kira reports on the news of the arrest; Henry comforts Jane; Audrey is sickened; Jim decides to treat himself to a drink.

Thursday, January 9: Diana wished Peter was here; she asks Jane where Augusta has gone, but Jane doesn’t know.  Jane is worried something she said might have incriminated Jessie. Peter learns that Augusta visited Dr. Ackerman yesterday; the doctor tells Peter that Augusta intends to have the abortion today; Diana is shocked to learn that Dr. Ackerman is an obstetrician.  Lee learns that Jessie will be arraigned tomorrow morning; angrily, Lee tells them they’re making a terrible mistake; Chase and Ross tell Lee they feel they have a strong case against Jessie.  Peter comes back to Dr. Ackerman’s office and finds out that the abortion has been postponed.  

Friday, January 10: Lesley finds it difficult for her to work in the office where Phil was murdered.  Jessie is arraigned; the judge sets the bail at $35,000 and the preliminary hearing is scheduled sometime within two weeks; Jessie is distressed by Diana’s concern; Lee tells Jessie he will have her released on bail in a matter of hours.  Lesley is infuriated when Joel asks what if Jessie did murder Phil. Diana learns from her sister that their mother has a kidney problem.  Lee tells Jessie that he loves her.

Monday, January 13: Audrey tells Lucille that when Jim drinks he seems to think that Jessie murdered Phil.  Lee, Jessie and Scott have dinner together.  Kira insists on seeing Jessie; Kira urges her to go to Dr. Thompson; Jessie is irritated that Kira knows anything about her health problems and swears Kira to secrecy.  Lee gently scolds Jessie for not firmly saying she didn’t kill Phil.  Jim has another nightmare.

Tuesday, January 14: Peter tells Augusta he is coming to see her.  Joel shocks Lesley by suggesting that if she takes Cameron’s money, she will struggle with telling Cameron “no” when Cameron wants to go to bed with her.  Mr. Thurston tells Steve that he does not want Jessie working at the hospital.  Augusta is floored when Peter tells her that he is glad she didn’t have the abortion.

Wednesday, January 15: Mr. Thurston tries to reach a compromise with Steve about Jessie’s return.  Lesley accepts Cameron’s offer to endow the clinic; he kisses her goodnight and she wonders what more that acceptance is going to entail.  Jessie reads some hate mail that came.  Peter apologizes to Augusta for all the anguish she has endured because of him; she tells him she didn’t want him to know about the pregnancy because she didn’t want to trap him; Peter tells her not to make a final decision about an abortion; he tells her she’s no longer alone.

Thursday, January 16: Scott and Lee talk about Jessie’s case; when Scott sees it as a challenge, Lee feels he should include Scott more in his work.  Joel tells Lesley he would prefer to stay out of it when Lesley asks him to go with her to see Lee; when he realizes how much it means to her, he agrees to come along.  Audrey comes home to find Jim drinking; she bitterly asks what he intends to do with his future.  Lee tells Lesley and Joel that the prosecution will probably prove that Jessie’s fingerprints were on the murder weapon, which is not enough evidence; Lee hopes Lesley can reach Jessie, as he cannot get her to communicate; they wonder whom Jessie is protecting.  Lee comes to question Jane who finally remembers that Jessie had the geode paperweight in her hand when she was beside Phil on the floor.

Friday, January 17: Steve convinces Jessie to come back to work.  Peter tells Augusta she doesn’t have to get the abortion if she doesn’t want to; Augusta admits she got pregnant deliberately and that she loves him.  Lee is saddened because Jessie isn’t fighting for herself against the murder charge; he kisses her passionately.  Jim has another nightmare in which he kills Phil; distraught, he awakens and tells Audrey that he lied to her and asks her to try to understand.

Monday, January 20: Jane tells Henry she is going to ask Lee if she can refuse to testify; she feels terrible because she saw Jessie with the geode in her hand.  Jim tells Audrey about his nightmare and adds that he was at the hospital the night Phil was murdered; she is stunned. Augusta tells Peter that she sees no reason to have his child and raise it without him; Peter can’t offer her a reason.  Jim tells Audrey that Phil was already dead when he saw him; Audrey believes this information might help Jessie and wants to call Lee, but Jim objects; she calls Lee and tells him that Jim saw Phil dead and Lee wonders why Jim waited to say anything; Jim is angry that Audrey called Lee.

Tuesday, January 21: Audrey apologizes to Lee for the fact that Jim didn’t come forward sooner; Jane confides in Lee that she is terribly afraid of having to testify.  Kira urges Dr. Thompson to not let Jessie neglect her health.  Jessie returns to work and is grateful to Steve; he cautions her that she may encounter some problems.  Cameron needles Kira about Lesley; she insists Lesley is very much interested in Joel and warns him not to use Lesley to get even with her.  Lee is pleased with Jim; his presence at the hospital and having seen Phil dead before Jessie ever got there exonerates her.

Wednesday, January 22: Scott asks Lee’s permission to go with him to Augusta’s interview. Peter welcomes Diana home from visiting her mother;  she is distraught about Jessie.  Ross insists that Jane testify at the preliminary hearing. Lee verifies with Augusta that Jim was on the seventh floor the night of the murder; he is annoyed she didn’t come forward on her own; Scott defends her, telling Lee that she was only keeping her promise to Jim.

Thursday, January 23: Lesley irritates Joel by posting a date.  Audrey admits to Lucille that the romance had gone out of her marriage.  Joel is abrupt with Jessie and Lesley rushes to her defense; Jessie quits, telling Steve she cannot take some people’s attitudes.  Scott tells Lee he thinks he was too hard on Augusta.  Audrey tries to seduce Jim, but he is unable to respond and is humiliated.

Friday, January 24: Chase and Ross review their plans for the hearing; Ross is worried because Lee Baldwin isn’t.  Peter tries to discourage Diana from going to the hearing; Peter overhears that Augusta will be having the abortion in a few days.  Lesley tries to explain how special her relationship with Joel is.  Jim talks with Augusta in an effort to clarify what happened the night Phil died; Augusta makes it clear that if Jessie is exonerated, that he will be under suspicion.

Monday, January 27: Jessie is nervous as she finishes dressing to go to court; Lee arrives to take her and explains that Steve will be testifying today.  Diana tells Peter she was surprised that he met with an obstetrician and not a psychiatrist.  Steve is surprised to see Dr. Thompson with Kira at the hearing.  Lesley tells Joel she is tired of his cynicism.  Ross questions Steve, and asks him how he found Jessie on the night of the murder.  Steve’s testimony seems incriminating.  Peter tells Augusta he wants to help; when she asks him if he really wants her to have the baby, he can’t answer; she decides to have the abortion and asks him to not come see her anymore.

Tuesday, January 28:  Jane is miserable about having to testify.  Lesley is enthusiastic because Lee has Jim as a surprise witness.  Steve asks Kira how she knows Dr. Thompson; she evades the issue.  Under oath, Jane admits she found Jessie holding the murder weapon over Phil’s dead body.

Wednesday, January 29: Augusta defends Jane to Lucille who is critical because of Jane’s testimony.  Ross makes an appointment to see Augusta; he forces her to admit that Jim was on the seventh floor that night.  Peter tells Augusta he is concerned she is too far along to have an abortion; she reassures him.

Thursday, January 30: Lee confides in Steve that he is concerned that Jim might not be a reliable witness.  Ross tells Chase that Lee is planning on putting Jim on the stand because Jim was on the seventh floor the night of Phil’s murder; Chase is angry; Ross tries to reassure him and then remembers his own father used two geodes as bookends and wonders if there were two in Lesley’s office.  Lee cautions Jim not to drink before taking the stand.  Steve tells Kira he loves her.

Friday, January 31: Lee confides to Diana that Jim’s testimony should exonerate Jessie. Augusta nervously arrives at the courthouse; Scott arrives, having come to see Augusta’s testimony.  Steve insists that Dr. Thompson meet with him tomorrow.  Jim takes a drink in the bathroom; Jim takes the stand, and changes his testimony; he says that Phil was alive when he saw him, sending a shockwave through the courtroom.

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I enjoyed this synopsis very much, and it is amazing to me how many details I had forgotten and some that I was even surprised by, like Joel's (sort of) indifference to Jessie's plight.

What shone through brightly though was what an important, and interesting character Lee Baldwin was.  Seeing his character (later) with Gail for so long, it is hard to picture Lee and Jessie as a romantic couple as it is witnessing Steve and Audrey with other people at this point in time.



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I am dying, but I would welcome her back in any role.  VM and MVJ have been long time friends so it wouldn't it be surprising, but it would kill my soul a bit.

Good buzz for the show if they could get her and also FU Frank for just ignoring her for a decade lol.

Edited by carolineg
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Hmm. I have no doubt that if MVJ had something special meant for her that she would very seriously consider answering that particular call! They seem to have a mutual appreciation thing going on!!! 

But, why the tiny bit of soul killing? I don't get it. 


Edited by Contessa Donatella
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