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Yay, you're back! That particular guest is Nigel Penny-Smith (Bernard Fox, channeling his likable bumbler character "Col. Crittenden" from Hogan's Heroes). Fox would later reprise his Bewitched character, Dr. Bombay, on Passions.

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Thanks! it's hard to keep track of all the guest characters introduced on the Titan lol. There's soooo many!


Oh and I have been here all along; just had a minor boradband internet issue back in February which meant I stopped watching the clips initially only for a few days but for some reason (not COVID related lol) never resumed until the other day when I noticed some of the episodes had been deleted from the playlist.


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Yup, sorry, I mean't back with the summaries (I knew you were still here).


One other point of interest with the guest list: Melanie Vincz, who played Corinne, the general's girlfriend, went on to play the adult version of D.J. in that episode of Full House where the guys imagined themselves as henpecked senior citizens.


And I love Tiffany and Laura's upcoming first scene. Sharon Wyatt somehow knew how to play affected just right.

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She really walks a fine line but remains lovable as Tiffany.  In hindsight it really hurt Laura not having her after the show got rid of Tiffany and Sean.  She just didn’t really have many people that were friends and had that past connection at that point, especially when Mary Mae Ward died.  Everyone was more tied to Luke.  It’s not like she could confide much in Amy, unless she wanted it to go everywhere.

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Thanks, that's another character I now know the name of

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I'll watch out for that. Hopefully it is in the playlist.


Yes, Laura always seemed to be a bit friendless when I watching in the 90s. Even Monica, who would have been Laura's oldest friend, stayed in her own storylines (and their friendship cooled after Monica's affair with Rick anyway).  At least in current episodes, Laura has built strong friendships with Curtis and *surprise surprise* Carly.


I remember asking my friend once why Laura wouldn't tell Amy that Stefan was blackmailing her to leave town (When Genie Francis was going off on that long maternity leave) and she explained to me that Amy would probably blab to everyone in town! And in the 1981 episodes the first thing Amy does after Lesley gives her a stern telling off for gossiping is to gossip about Laura and Susan to half the disco!

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I miss Amy.  She was on just the right amount in the 1980’s.  I didn’t need to see her in a story.  I just liked seeing her causing trouble with her big mouth.


In my dream timeline, when Lesley came back they actually invested in her, we saw her rebuild her life and skills, and she was back in the hospital orbit for a couple of years.  Maybe even becoming Chief of Staff when Alan has his pill addiction.  Much to Monica’s chagrin.  Which would also have given Laura an active support person on the show.

Edited by titan1978
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I totally agree. Even potentially strong friendships, like with Tony, fell by the wayside.


Last night, I watched the German dub of the attic collapse and followup episodes. Something I was not at all expecting: after Tracy has a moment in A.J.'s nursery, she and Laura have it out before hugging it out. Somehow I'd never imagined those two sharing a scene BITD.


I think it's a good sign of a healthy soap when there can be characters like Amy, who don't necessarily add anything story-wise, but are invaluable in fleshing out the canvas.

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Talking about Laura’s lack of friends reminded me something I really missed once Guza arrived- the emphasis on friendships.


Once Anna arrives and becomes established in the mid 80’s, you had a strong core of Robert, Anna, Sean, Tiffany, Frisco and Felicia that had individual friendships and were also kind of a group too.  It made scenes and plot driven stories fun, because you wanted to see them interact.


Once Labine arrives we get smaller groups but there are still great friendships invested in.  After Guza’s return from Sunset Beach most of that just slowly falls away.  They kind of had it going again with Robin and the other doctors, but not like back in the day.  And that felt like copying Grey’s anyway.

Edited by titan1978
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Early August 1981


Victor and Max play chess. Victor wins. Tiffany, Corinne and Max’s wife Noel tease Nigel after he complains about his sunburn. Later, Laura is sent up to Tiffany’s room as a maid to search for Victor’s copy of the formula. Laura, using her old moniker ‘Lucy’ searches the room while Tiffany applies her make up. Tiffany is in a good mood because Alex is gone and ends up trash talking Alex to Laura. Laura agrees with her sentiments. Tiffany warms to Laura right away and admits that her actress personality is basically an act. After Tiffany departs, Laura continues to search but does not find the formula. Instead, Laura finds Victor’s secret hiding place. Meanwhile Robert creates a listening device for Luke.


Slick arranges for Rick and Lesley to meet Emma (though in the end Rick is unable to make it because the clinic is too busy). Lesley asks Emma about the Ice Princess and Emma explains that she sold it to Alex. Slick tells Emma that it was Charlie, not Luke, who stole the statue from the auction. This makes Emma willing to set up a meeting between Charlie and Lesley. Later, Slick, Rick and Lesley meet with Emma and Charlie at the bucket of blood. Charlie denies knowing anything. Rick intervenes when Charlie tries to drag Emma away and gets punched by Charlie for his trouble, leaving a shiner 

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that several characters will comment on over the course of the next few episodes.


At Kelly’s, Joe denies trying to avoid Heather after the other night. Rose interrupts their conversation and asks about Hutch. Meanwhile, Hutch is being massaged by Nurse Stacy. He gives her a warning when she becomes too flirtatious with him. Joe arrives followed soon after by Amy. Amy invites Stacy to the disco. Hutch asks Amy about Laura and Amy says that Laura can take care of herself. Stacy and Amy leave. Joe tells Hutch that the parole board is dragging its feet about his case. Joe then meets with Audrey in the cafeteria; Audrey is upset after receiving a package addressed to Diana Taylor (the nurses’ uniforms). When Joe returns to Kelly’s, he ends up in an argument with Heather.


Luke is planting the listening device in the radio room when Victor walks in. Victor is suspicious of ‘Thor’ (Luke’s name when posing as a steward) and questions him about his background. Max arrives and Luke subtly plant seeds of doubt in Victor’s mind about Max. Luke later tells Robert and Laura that Victor has the formula in his wallet. Victor later tells Tiffany that he suspects ‘Thor’ may be working for Max. Victor notices that his hiding place has been disturbed but Tiffany says that only the maid has been in the room. Victor wants to fool around but Tiffany prefers to read her book.


Robert, Luke and Laura go topside. Robert breaks into Tiffany and Victor’s room and attempts to get into Victor’s secret hiding place. However, a radio alarm suddenly blares, waking Victor and Tiffany up (turns out it was set for 11pm not am). Robert is forced to hide while Victor and Tiffany decide to make love. Once they are asleep again, Robert searches their room for the formula since he didn’t find it in the hiding place. Outside, Max is bemused to see Luke and Laura kissing and tells them to continue doing what they were doing. Robert eventually leaves without the formula, waking Victor and Tiffany up. Victor is convinced Max broke into their room.


It seems Monica’s PI, Larry Corrigan was successful in his bid to fill in for Susan as manager of the disco. He uses his new position to continue to spy on Alan.


The next day, Luke and Laura spend some time on the deck making out while the rest of the boat is asleep. Later Laura visits Tiffany again. Tiffany tells Laura that the Titan will arrive at its destination the day after tomorrow and that there is going to be a broadcast of the Royal wedding (Charles and Diana) on the yacht. In the salon, Victor is explaining what will happen when the Titan arrives at the island to Max and Gen but notices that Luke aka ‘Thor’ is there and orders him to leave (as Victor is convinced that ‘Thor’ is working for Max). The incident fuels Victor’s distrust of Max. Later, Luke searches the room for the formula and spots one of the radio guards sneaking drinks. This gives Luke an idea to spike his drink to get into the radio room. Laura returns to Tiffany’s room while Victor is there and listens as Victor tells Tiffany about his suspicions of Max. Laura returns to Luke and Robert with a suitcase full of food. The three have dinner. They are forced to hide when a crewman and a maid come looking for some luggage and are bemused when the crewman attempts to seduce the maid.


Ruby tells Jesse that she is worried about Bobbie. Zach invites Bobbie to the Disco and Ruby warns her that she will lose Noah if she doesn’t stop playing silly games. Stacy excitedly informs Bobbie and Jesse that Noah has invited her for dinner.


Mike and Hutch spend time together during a hydrotherapy session. Gail shows Rose around on her first day as a volunteer and Rose learns that she will be helping Hutch. Rose reminds Mike that Hutch is a criminal.


Now that the Baldwins and the Webbers have reconciled, the four have dinner. Lee offers to help Rick and Lesley find out more about what is going on with Luke and Laura. Lee brings congressman Sterner to meet with Rick and Lesley. After hearing Rick and Lesley’s story, the congressman tells them that he will get in touch with Washington. Later, Congressman Sterner brings a man named Ted Ballantine to meet with them. Ballantine tells the Webbers that Laura is not officially involved in anything but requests more time to figure out what is going on.


Luke drugs a drink and the radio room guard drinks it and passes out as he planned. Robert attempts to contact the WSB via the radio. However, they are interrupted by Victor and are forced to leave. Victor finds absinthe and assumes it was Max who broke into the radio room as Luke and Robert planned.


Rick and Lesley are frustrated by the stonewalling they faced from the WSB and look to Hutch for answers since Robert visited him when Luke went missing. Hutch tells them that Robert Scorpio is for real and that it seems that the WSB is involved in keeping world peace. Rick and Lesley also talk to Georgia who them Robert’s ID number as she heard it the night that O’Reilly died. Georgia also remembers that O’Reilly made Robert promise to get on the boat. Rick and Lesley later confront Congressman Sterner about the WSB and threaten to expose the organisation. Sterner says that he didn’t know anything until Ballantine got in touch with him and gives Ballantine’s contact details to the Webbers.


Bobbie is jealous when Noah brings Stacy to the Disco. Zach, Amy and Kathy are also there. Bobbie eventually admits to Noah that she is worried about Luke. Noah and Bobbie end up ditching the others to go and find Rick and Lesley. Rick and Lesley give them an update and Noah reveals that his uncle is a senator so could also be able to help. Ballantine calls, and Rick tells him that he is willing to go to the press. Ballantine agrees to meet with Rick and Lesley in Washington. Back at the Disco, Kathy has a brief chat with Corrigan about any updates in the investigation into Alan while Stacy has a hissy fit as Amy teases her about being ditched.


The Titan guests prepare for the broadcast of the royal wedding. Since the crew are also invited, Luke, Laura and Robert plan to steal the formula while the guests are distracted by the wedding. Actual footage (with sound) is shown of Charles and Diana’s wedding vows. Luke and Laura are so engrossed by the wedding and in each other that they forget their part of the plan (to turn on the air conditioner so that Victor will remove his coat). Robert is forced to steal Victor’s wallet while he is still wearing his coat. Robert also gets Tiffany’s attention and she later asks Laura about him.


Later as Luke, Laura and Robert toast to the fall of the house of Cassadine, Victor has noticed that his copy of the formula is missing. He contacts Mikkos’ communications person; blaming Max and ‘Thor’ for the theft and saying that he will organise a search for the formula when they reach the island.

Edited by Dion
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I really like the attention to minor details (Such as how the trio launder their clothes and get food) that I think today would be glossed over. And the show certainly took the opportunity to have fun with them.


I've also enjoyed Rick and Lesley going around town trying to piece together the mystery of Laura's latest disappearance while reconnecting as a couple.

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