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DAYS: September Promo!

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Jack acts like he doesn't even have a brain in his head.

And this has been going on for years and years and years.

I'm over it.

What smart and sexy adult woman

would turn down a hot fit successful doctor for a a skinny dumb-ass,

that acts like he's mentally challenged?

Nothing against Matt, but Jack is a horrible ''leading man''.

Poor Jennifer.

She deserves soooooo much better.

Choosing to be with Jack would really dumb down Jennifer.

I'm really hoping she kicks his ass to the curb...for good!

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Ugh this writing for Jack of comic relief continues. Makes me not want to start watching the show in September again as planned. I do wish they would keep Jack away from Jennifer, but for Jacks sake because I hate Jennifer Whore Horton. Or is it Rose? I forget.

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I feel sorry for Ashford, after all the man needs a paycheck. I remember his earlier history when he wasn't written like a walking buffoon and had darker material. He was fantastic. Continuing this type of writing for him such a huge insult. Higley totally destroyed the character and by the looks of it these writers view him the same way.

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I'm surprised by all the "comic Jack" hate. When he and Jennifer got together back in the late '80's, he was the same way. Goofy, yet endearing. I think that the writers overdid it even then, probably because they wanted to redeem him for what he did to Kayla, but it was watchable because Jennifer was his "straight" man.

While I hope that the new writers tone it down a bit, the goofiness and childishness is a personality staple in Jack. Alone, he's annoying, but with Missy, it works, atleast IMO.

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I'm going to be optimistic about the actual writing for Jack. I don't want him as the full-out buffoon he was in the 2000s, but I like the goofy touches -- they separate him from so many of the generic action-figure heroes we've had over the years. And I like the falling-into-the-cake entrance just because it's an ENTRANCE. Everyone who's returned to the show in the past 2-3 years has knocked on Maggie's door and been like, "Hey, what's up?"

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Whatever you think of the returns etc (and since the only time I watched Days was during the end of the SSS and the Isle of the Dead so I have no vested interest) you have to give NBC and Days a tip of the hat for wisely trying to gain back some old viewers with returns and tugging at those sentimental strings ("Horton Square, in honor of Tom and Alice Horton,") Always thought GL and ATWT should have done something like this tied around a big event and a promo that featured the "Come on home," theme ( kind of like saying, okay, we know we screwed up but we are trying to fix it.) But GL and ATWT was ashamed of their history, good for Days for not being so.

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The last time I actually liked Jack Devereaux was in 1997. Mark Valley played the role at the time. Just sayin'. I think the writing for him has been mostly terrible since then, except for a new times here 'n there in 2001 and 2002.

Can't wait to watch this clip with audio! (at work right now, boo...)

I'm very excited with the returns. Yes, almost all of them were present in 2005-2006 but the writing was beyond terrible. It's all about the writing. And decent sets, lol. And this new one looks good. It puts GL's Main Street to shame!

And when was the last time we saw that park set (where Daniel, Jenn, & Jack are)?

The look of the show (lighting) reminds of the show back around 2002, minus the Last Blast gang.

Indeed. DAYS is excellent at honoring their past and being all schmaltzy and cheesy about it, but in a good way :)

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I'm disappointed that they are once again writing Jack as a clown, it seems. Disappointed, but not surprised.

I wish some of the Jack haters had seen him back in the day. He was not a clown and was not just there for comic relief. His comedy--which was not the main part of his character--was a dark, dry humor, not slapstick bufoonery.

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J&J had dumb cutesy stuff even back then: Shell rings, jaded plants, snow people, practicing skydiving in the loft etc. And while I liked them, I felt Jack was more interesting as a ruthless politicitan/business tycoon type circa 1988-89.

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Not having watched OLTL in the mid-90's, was David Vickers mostly serious too, but now they've made him tell endless slapstick jokes like someone who's too stupid to realize he's making himself look like an idiot? Would a Jack and David, then versus now, be a fair comparison?

Okay, I think I worded that wrong and now I'm having trouble updating this... is it a safe comparison to say that the way they transformed the David Vickers character over the years the same thing that happened to Jack?

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If the hot fit successful doctor was orange, had slept his way through a family, kept boning his patients, had an affair with her brother's wife, then I'd say she should probably go with the skinny dumb-ass. It's just too bad they can't write Jack as anything beyond a fool.

The main difference for me is Matthew Ashford will play other material. DAYS just doesn't seem to provide it. I don't think Tuc Watkins would play serious David even if OLTL wanted it.

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