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Agreed with you and Jonathan wholeheartedly. Hopefully Nixon's involvement might help some of this--I know when she returned in 1999 she did make a concentrated effort to bring back some of the class feel--and even the smaller town feel--that was so important to the show for decades (even when many other soaps had already become all about millionaires with no money issues). It's hard to fully judge the last period with Broderick (and I guess Nixon), even though I thought they did manage to make a lot of characters at least somewhat more interesting in a tiny amount of time, but due to the short amount of time they had to tie the show up-- I suppose we had Maya, one of the first characters to even discuss money issues in eons... But I do hope some restructuring to bring back these elements is done.

And I agree 100% with Carl's thoughts on Kendall--and with Angela saying that it was partly courting to Zendall as this power couple that really led to her problems. I don't think she's essential to the show right now--though if somehow the show has a healthy life online I hope they do brign Kendall back in some form eventually, but I also don't think the character (as played by AM or anyone else) is beyond saving.

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Even with Zendall as a power couple I think a good writer could have made it work - I think the material for them managed to keep a decent amount of Kendall's character intact up to that "grief sex" trash, after which it really ramped up into all-knowing Zach and stupid Kendall.

More than anything I'd just like to see PP develop more character motivation. Look at Ryan. What is his character motivation? When he came on the show, he wanted money. In later years, he had self-loathing based on his family. Both of these issues were resolved. What was left? He spent AMC's last years stomping around town flaring his nostrils and his crazy eyes, accusing the evildoers of PV and mingling with various mentally unstable women who lied to him about pregnancies or being dead. Who is this character and why should people care? I never understood why he needed money in the first place. He was never going to be some big competition for Adam or Palmer.

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Totally. I do think Broderick--at least at her best--is good at motivation. Cameron actually gave an interview in one of the recent soap magazines where he mentioned that scene in the final weeks where he talks to Jake about why he has such a hero complex still--they mention losing Erin, and the stuff we already knew but had been forgotten--and I admit it is kinda redundent at this point(and McTavish was far from at her best when she had him deal with that by joining a fight club, although on paper I didn't think the story was as bad as admittedly many did, but it wasn't played out well at all). Anyway, Cameron basically said (and I completely paraphrase) that he hadn't thought about all of that in ages, and had been looking for some motivation and subtext with his character for a long time.

Making Ryan a businessman and millionaire was not needed. Yeah Alexander gave him the money because Ryan helped him, and to gut his son further, but Ryan didn't want it and was uncomfortable with it--and while the character has kinda floated around for a long time regardless, that element never added anything or fit with him anyway (except to make one more super duper rich character--and company--in quiet little Pine Valley).

I liked Zendall a lot at first--something I always forget, but when they married and weren't actually in love, I was kinda put off at first (I think it was to get back at Ethan on her part), but then was surprised at how much fun and charm their interactions actually had. That didn't last all that long, and the Forever Only You or whatever stuff got old as soon as it started, but it wasn't really till 2007-8 or whenever that they became the monstrous force (and not in a good way) they were. Kendall seemed to relate to Josh (and in theory she should have--a child Erica didn't know about, etc, going through much that she did)--surely there should have been some fallout or sense of horror when she found out what Zack did even if it was to save her life (maybe especially as it was to save her life--guilt, horror at Zack, etc). I'm sure ther emust have been one or two lines, or even scenes about it, but frankly I don't remember anything. (Another example of Pratt sucking worse than Ron Carlivati at playing ANY fall out from the big climaxes and scenes he liked to do).

I don't feel AMC in the past five years is beyond chope at rebuilding--and so much of this stuff seems to be common sense (or things like having Opal run Myrtle's boarding house, maybe even as well as the Glamorama where some of the younger characters can work--instead of instantly becoming makeup designers at Fusion). I do think if Broderick is back--and Agnes is helping--and there's not too much pressure for her to do big WOW moments and stunts to get instant online viewers, some of this will be remedied. I also, though, agree that the show needs some fresh blood to help with that (and I mean as writers and producers, not just cast).

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Errrrk beep beep backin up backin up..... +1. So true!

Haha & hehe! Another +1 ....especially to the last part! I guess some confuse popularity with their own personal preference/opinion! Ugh! Hate that lame ass High School BS. "They're POPULAR" SO annoying. If Ken/Zen are soooo popular why did their big weeks repeatedly lead to record low ratings? LOL How many times was I told to watch the ratings soar ...only to watch them fall to record lows?

LMFAO!!! Love it. Here kitty kitty! Get out of Alicia's hair!

Oh what an apt description! Especially lately that crap looks like a bad wig or busted ass weave. It's so damn out of control. The roots look horrible...like the kitty from above used her head as a scratching post! To think this woman was a HAIR MODEL! Of course that explains the lack of acting skills but it leaves one wondering .....WTF is on her head?!?blink.png

It is..it is ...that... bad. Did you see her in the final weeks?? The hair was as bad as the rest ..maybe worse! Don't know why she won't cut or at least trim that nest.

There is nothing supposed about it.....just severe acting limitations. Coupled with bad hair and the figure of a tall lanky 12 year old boy.whistling.jpg

So-called super couple is on the $$$. So-called by their several fans with their multiple accounts scouring the internet for polls to robo-vote inhappy.png

Well TK said himself he plays the same character over and over so it would go to figure that the same result would occur over and over. Being a lifeless one note brooding brooder will suck the life out of his screen partner ...& given that IMO AM was horrible all on her own...they were doomed from before they started!ohmy.png

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Yes her hair was a little out of control in the final weeks but I assumed it was for the same reason Jacob Young was slicking his back: they were out of money.

Damn, y'all got some serious hate for Miz Kendall. LOL! Maybe I don't hate her as much as I thought because she doesn't elicit that much passion from me. Of course, my rage erupts when we talk about Greenlee so...carry on.

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Aww see I think AM is limited but I do think I could like her in comedy. AM has a lightness about her that IMO just never worked for Kendall for me but in another role.

As for the internet, that applies to any actor or actress.or couple. I have yet to see any internet buzz for anything or anyone on a soap translate to anything productive for a show.

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Years of torture watching my AMC become all about the perils of Kendall via the talent-less, elicits a bit of passion. Hell who am I kidding.... listening to her (try & fail to ) "cry" once was enough to make me erupt.

And while I agree you could tell the $$ was tight at the end....the actors can still pay for their own hair cuts.

(Greenlee Greenlee Greenleewink.png) Do I hear a rumbling?? smile.png

LOL Flat hair ...yes! But at least she CUTS her hair and tries different hairdos. DECADES do not pass with her having the same look whistling.jpg ..and that's good ....for me.

No personality .....eh ...disagree....if you witnessed Greenlee from her inception you know that's not true. Some may have not liked her feisty spunky personality but she certainly had one.

Awww how sweet "limited"...what a nice way to put it! smile.png I actually think when she's being bitchy she is at her VERY LIMITED "best". But it just all comes across as fake.. forced.. phony.. put-on. It's just annoying & there's nothing authentic or natural about her....she has to try SO hard and ends up producing & giving so little! It's shameful the show has focused on her for nearly a decade.

I agree that "buzz" online doesn't translate into productiveness or higher ratings for the show. But tell that to their fans!! I must say I've never seen any fanbase put so much stock in polls.....articles ...." so called popularity". Especially the polls...my gosh I cannot tell you how many times I've been told about "the polls they won" No mention on how they send out an SOS that there is a poll up and they all need to scurry and vote in it ....too strange!! LOL did you know .."even BEFORE they were a couple they were wining polls" (REAL quotes from the Zen "nation" LMAO yeah they named themselves) As if b/c some poll that was most likely voted on by 30 people is the be all and end all of "proof" and irrefutable evidence that their couple is the most popular ever and among the best of the best and the "majority" of the audience adores them. happy.png

This is the fan base that insisted because their couple KISSED it raised the ratings or would credit a higher rating to "Zex" (they ignored the other four couples that did the same thing in the same episode) (oh and how cute how everything starts with a z! ....gag me now please) So I don't think it's fair to lump them in with "any actor or actress" No they are a class all their own...they create their own buzz and then INSIST it's the gospel and the "majority feels the same way"! blink.png

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jams as a hater to Z/K/AM/TK (or lover of RB) is a little like the poster formerly known as ZF as a lover to Z/K/AM/TK (or hater of anybody that is put as a threat to them). Both on the extreme side. No offense as I think we all have a nudge of the extreme in our systems.

Okay, so moving on...

I do agree to a point. I'm being honest when I say I related Thorsten Kaye to being the guy who came on to my soaps and sucked the life out of my favorite female characters (through the writers) when I heard he was joining AMC, but you look at the first year and change of Z/K and you see they could have definitely kept the couple with their individual characteristics intact. Zach was initially a better and daker character than Kaye's former ones and Kendall was still pretty forceful and more importantly unapologetically herself even a cool year and change into Z/K.

Put that all aside, in my experience it's nearly impossible to maintain good long-term writing for popular individual characters put into popular couples though. The shift almost always eventually happens. You soften the characters, an unhealthy dynamic is eventually formed as the show refuses to move off the pairing no matter what due to popularity. It's rare for writers not to do this in daytime or nighttime for that matter. In the case of Z/K, you marked the point where the turn happened - from the double-baby drama to grief sex to the perilous drama never ending from that point on. That came with writing Zach as bad as Ryan and Kendall like a hapless, spineless heroine.

I agree. I was watching last nights repeat and lets talk about David. McTavish's last year was bad but David back then had more layers than he had the past few years. It wasn't just unapologetically simple. And it's currently so simple for so many of the characters, there's no depth. Somewhere in this long line of bad and simplistic writing, the writers not only stopped caring about who these characters are but they really did stop caring about there being complex motivation for the characters actions and behavior. They're all almost written as sociopaths due to this. I really do include L. Broderick in these set of writers because she did little to remedy any of this in her two go arounds. It's just got so lazy. Maybe something changed behind the scenes, maybe it was the interference, maybe it was having to do more work with less time.

I feel like I'm giving McTavish too much credit. She really was the one that started the class removal that became so severe in years to follow.

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Awww I love being talked about, I feel so loved :wub:

Jams are you still at it? What'd they kick you off of SOC again? rolleyes.gifwink.png

LOL really? We know you hate TK and Zach and always have, even though you pretended otherwise for years, but no, the writers are the ones responsible for all of this. Yet somehow one character or another gets blamed. Ryan didn't water Greenlee down either, the writers did, same as with Adam when he lost his balls with Krystal......

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I am blaming the writers for the most part, but I did and I probably will always associate Patrick played by Thorsten Kaye with killing what was left of Marty Saybrooke's personality after the rape storyline. Of course that was almost entierly due to writing choices.

Second. I don't hate Thorsten Kaye not that it would be wrong if I didn't like him or Zach. I'm not a big fan either. I was disappointed when I heard "Patrick" was coming to AMC due to association to Patrick. I liked Zach for the most part his first couple of years on the show. I haven't liked Zach and Kendall as a pairing for quite a while now, and due to the writing of the pairing I also haven't really enjoyed Kendall or Zach for a while now.

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