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Oh, I don't think CS should sign on with PP at all. I've never liked her, so as long as she ends up on a show I don't watch, it's all good. I'm all for recasting characters and finding new talent. What any of these people do with their careers means very little to me. All I'm saying is I don't think signing up for a guaranteed pay check is beneath any of these people just because it's online or because it might fail. If it fails they are basically in the same place they were six months ago, except they've been paid a little longer.

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Lindsey Hartley I sort of even get. She went from a cancelled soap to being fired from the next to another cancelled soap and all she has ever said is she loves her job and loves working on soaps. I don;t think she has any other ambitions and I am not criticizing her for that I think its great and I adore her. But if she didn't take the offer at PP what other soap options does she have. Days - she was fired there, Y&R or B&B is all thats left. And she's probably smart enough to see that her best chance for a future on soaps if she wants to stay with them is PP. CM well no clue. Maybe they gave him some stock options or some vested interest in the show.

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I'm not fronting you J. (For the record I like that we can disagree without it becoming personal. I'll buy you drink at Merlotte's when this is all over. wink.png )

I don't think it's beneath them to sign on. But I understand why someone wouldn't want to. It would be one thing if these actors were signing up for pilot season. That's a crap shoot but it's a crap shoot actors have been doing for decades. One actor signs on for Glee while another books Viva Laughlin. That's just the reality of the business. I don't know what CS' role on Body of Proof is going to be but my understanding is that if she signed on with PP she wouldn't even be able to do guest gigs like that (If I'm wrong, let me know.) all for the "privilege" of appearing on a web soap.

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I am relieved about the Canada aspect--with the lack or organization, plus the fact that bigger places like Hulu care not two bits that Canadians can't watch their content, I fully expected Canada to be ignored. So while I still want more details, I'm glad I won't have to worry about getting around that--yes it's relatively easy to get around, or I'm sure the shows would *coff* show up some other way we could get them, but while I don't mind watchign a streaming site whenever a new episode comes up, it is enough of a pain to have to get around that I probably would fall behind...

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Never. I'll buy the second round. I'm not even sure we disagree that much. I can understand why a young person would want to take their chances. Might as well shoot for the stars, while you can. I certainly do not hold it against an actor if they don't continue on with the show. I don't see it as disloyal at all for SO many reason.

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That makes sense, a lot more people will give it a chance if (at least for the first few months) it is free--although if they hope to then move to a sub based system, you do risk the chance of losing a LOT of your viewers who have become used to seeing it for free. It'd make more sense if they really wanted to go that route to do something like offer subscribers the chance to see new episodes a day early, or download in high def or something and still leave it on free.

I honestly doubt the contracts are exclusive--if they are then PP are bigger fools than I feared. To be fair, I don't think, as likeable a presence as he is, Sean really has all that many other options on the acting front (was he even an actor when he joined the show?)

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I'm so confused, but from what I heard, these aren't guaranteed paycheques anyway, are they? I thought there would be no guarantee like with the network contracts--so if a character/actor isn't used they're still on contract but don't get a paycheque that month. That's why I can't believe PP would be asking for exclusivity rights...

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IMO different actors are being offered (or have negotiated) different deals. That makes the most business sense. ITA that CM wouldn't sign away his chance to do other things.

It's funny. Salary information used to be something nobody ever talked about but that's really not the case anymore. We fans might not hear about it but I'm willing to bet the actors are sharing information with each other and obviously some of them, like Chrishell, are willing to share information with the public.Good for them.

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